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  • What free Google Chrome extensions do you use?

    Walter Mendoza
    5 replies


    Dale Castro
    AdBlock Plus is a browser extension that may eliminate distracting advertisements and pop-ups. If you're trying to protect your privacy online or just feel that advertising are too distracting, this is a great option. Check out Pocket if you're the kind to store interesting web pages or articles for later perusal. With this add-on, you may bookmark articles and other information to read offline at a later time.
    Richard Gao
    Adblock plus definitely! Always like my pages ad free
    Janak Patel
    I am using TweeFeed for Twitter Personalized Reply, it worked wonders for me.
    Sandra Idjoski
    If you're looking into Chrome extensions, you can check out www.collabwriting.com/extension too 😄
    Svitlana Palamarchuk
    I've been using Charge for Outlook specifically for cold outreach to promote my MVP. It's been a game-changer for managing and organizing my email campaigns. Outlook is harder to get into spam (compared to Gmail), and delivery rates are awesome. Also, Adblock is with me like... forever :)