What features would make a workout partner matching app truly effective?

Aqsa Sajjad
19 replies
I'm curious, what features do you think are essential for an app that pairs you with a workout partner? How should it match users, and what kind of tools and functionalities would enhance your fitness journey if you were using such an app?


Push me everyday like duolingo
Maybe to share my achievements with my workout partner
Amelia Charlie
The best feature about a workout partner to match with your vibes. Since your workout partner is awesome they will motivate and work with you. You both will work together to achieve your goals.
Andrew Noah
It'd be cool if the app could match people based on fitness levels and goals.
Sandhana Arkish
Being able to see if your partner did the workout today and if they did not then sending them a workout reminder.
Jesse T. Glover
The app should have a calendar feature where you can sync your availability with your workout partner so you both can find the best times to meet up without the back-and-forth
Alexander Dolton
Both partners should be able to track their progress and share it with each other in the app. It’s motivating to see how you both are improving over time.
Adejoke Yinka
It should let us choose what kind of workouts we like.
Salvatore J. Friend
@adejoke_yinka I totally agree with you whether it’s lifting weights, running, yoga, or something else, so it matches you with someone who likes the same
Warden Wong
Beautiful UI. You know beautiful UI will drive people to match together into the App to start their workout experience together.
Esther Deng
As someone who goes to the gym 3-5 times a week, I think adopting a model similar to Duolingo could be effective. Encouraging users to check in regularly and complete tasks with friends can be motivating. Additionally, the app could offer fitness tutorials and guidance. I’m currently using an app with similar features and find it very helpful.
Business Marketing with Nika
To give challenges to your sparing partner. Like partner one: Hey! Partner 2, do 10 pushups. Partner 2: Hey! Partner 1, I did 15 pushups. Can you beat this?
Marie-Philippe Leblanc
To know their goal! And see if they've done any challenges or completed anything else before that fits with what I want to do.
I enjoy playing badminton, but I'm unsure of how to find suitable courts in the Bay Area, as well as where to connect with players of similar skill level.
Users can earn practical items by achieving goals, or convert their exercise into a numerical value to make tangible contributions to the environment or charity.
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Gurkaran Singh
Imagine an app that pairs you with a workout buddy as perfectly as peanut butter pairs with jelly - essential features would include detailed fitness preferences, scheduling sync, and maybe a sprinkle of virtual high-fives for extra motivation! After all, finding the right sweat squad should be smoother than a burpee on a well-oiled gym floor, right?