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  • What features do you think the Product Hunt community will love about your product?

    Amit Arora
    69 replies


    For mine, we built a knowledge base for client facing teams to automate meeting preparation for prospects, sales, and client meetings. Briefey AI provides you with meeting notes ahead of your call which you can share with your team ahead of the call. This makes sure everyone is on the same page and acts as a communication bridge for your front-office teams so that everyone has the same information heading into a call.
    Amit Arora
    The Action Tracker - Life Planner
    @ajbriefey looks super useful. can we use it with Microsoft teams as well?
    @amit_arora I haven't added a teams integration yet, but I can certainly look into it in the future. I'm curious how do you think you would use it with Teams? I don't use teams too often, so would love your take!
    Knock Knock Jokes for Kids
    I would say for mine, the integration with AI as it’s all the rage these days. Second would be the privacy and not having to create an account. Aicoverletter.com
    Aris Nakos
    @zcnlsn Nice MVP. How has the acquisition of clients been for you ? I don't see why I would use this over say...a GPT I create
    Knock Knock Jokes for Kids
    @aris_nakos great question. I think if you know how to make a GPT, it’s not for you, this is for a less technical audience. Also, chat-gpt uses your data for training, but the API (what I’m using) does not
    Fei C.
    Our product serves as an AI investment assistant at your hand, integrating all financial data in one place and offers one-click summary & analysis. This makes your investment journey more convenient, simpler and joyful.
    @intellectia_ ,Cool, can it give me stock idea that I should focus on? everyday the stock market has a lot of noise, If your product can help me go through the market and offer me the most valuable information without unnecessary buzz, that would very helpful
    Amit Arora
    The Action Tracker - Life Planner
    @intellectia_ this is cool and will be very simple for the audience. what all financial data does it work upon?
    Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
    Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
    I'm launching a Chrome plugin that improves the experience of using Product Hunt, such as dark mode, streak reminder, growth charts, etc. So I would hope that the Product Hunt community will love the whole thing 🙂
    Ruben Boonzaaijer
    @jgani sounds great, when are you launching?
    Amit Arora
    The Action Tracker - Life Planner
    @jgani we will definitely share our live with you Jonni. when are you launching?
    Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
    Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
    @ruben_boonz April 3rd. PH doesn't like me posting links but I'd appreciate it if you would go to my PH profile and find my launch teaser page, and click 'Notify Me' :) Would love to see you on launch day, Ruben!
    Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
    Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
    @amit_arora April 3rd. Would really love your support Amit! I'd appreciate it if you would subscribe to my teaser page (the link is on my PH profile)
    Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
    Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
    @sandradjajic Sandra! Your comment makes my day. I'm a big fan of yourself and Dan, and your work, your social media presence - everything. Obviously, I also use Hunted Space :)
    We hope the PH community will appreciate our human-centric approach! Unlike many recent launches that are AI-focused, we've created a note-sharing platform where people share their experiences and expertise. AI agents handle background tasks like security checks, SEO, and content optimization, but humans take center stage. While generative AI is exciting, it's becoming cliché as the main feature. Our platform is about real people sharing insights, with AI as a supporting player.
    Amit Arora
    The Action Tracker - Life Planner
    @shownotes well Kabir, that is a good approach. I agree that with so much and AI and automation around sometimes, a human touch is very important. Many are thinking to replace humans with AI and your apprach to embrace human with technology is really appreciated. :)
    Igor Lysenko
    I think the community will enjoy the many features and integrated AI with the app.
    Ivo Ivanovski
    I expect everyone would love the driver-based methodology and allround in-depth financial & business planning capabilities. But, most of all the ease of use :). Check us out on Modeliks.com.
    Amit Arora
    The Action Tracker - Life Planner
    @ivo_ivanovski your product looks very interesting. It will be helpful to many for financial plans, pitch decks and automated report. Kudos for the Lovely product.
    Joep van den Bogaert
    I hope they like our voice first mobile app that allow you turn voice memos into high quality (sales) documentation automatically. Plus the integrations with CRMs so that you can wrap up your CRM notes in a minute after your meeting or call, even while on the go 🙌🏻 Launching today! (https://www.producthunt.com/post...)
    Amit Arora
    The Action Tracker - Life Planner
    @jopie this is a very helpful app and will help marketers as well. Supported your launch. May the force be with you.
    Ruben Boonzaaijer
    I would say not ever having to take customer support phone calls again
    Amit Arora
    The Action Tracker - Life Planner
    @ruben_boonz very interesting. Can you share how?
    Ruben Boonzaaijer
    @amit_arora we are building an AI customer support phone agent that can take phone calls. We are also adding features like abandoned call recalls, to increase conversion rates! You can check it out at ringly.io
    Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
    Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
    @ruben_boonz That sounds amazing Ruben. Do you think human users would be upset if they think they're speaking with a bot?
    Marvin Mändle
    The simplicity! Executives can install our app in 5 minutes and can improve the relationships between the employees in their remote team.
    Amit Arora
    The Action Tracker - Life Planner
    @marvin_maendle nice. can you share the name of the app?
    Viola Schoell
    I believe the community will appreciate our fantastic design, the simplicity of our app, the content moderation features, and the fun factor we bring. Take a look at our coming soon page! https://www.producthunt.com/prod....
    - Unified search across different cloud based apps - AI assistance based on the integrated data (integrate your Notion so that you never have to go through million pages in order to get that Product update from Developers) I personally love these features! What do you guys think about it?
    Amit Arora
    The Action Tracker - Life Planner
    @sandradjajic Nice can you share little about your product?
    Swati Baruah
    Anyone can have a mini-website ready in 2 minutes. All your portfolio links, contact details, website links, a PDF you wanted to share, a service you're offering - even a form you want responses in. Just add everyone in a landing page - with no code and in minutes!
    Amit Arora
    The Action Tracker - Life Planner
    @swati_baruah sounds like wow. Can you share the name and little more about the product?
    Swati Baruah
    @amit_arora it’s called Linkpage - we launched today on Product Hunt! Please have a go on it, try it and leave your feedback! It also comes with a dynamic QR Code, which can be used to track your offline promotions!
    Amit Arora
    The Action Tracker - Life Planner
    @swati_baruah supported the launch and appreciate all the efforts that you and Linkpage team has put to make it.
    Hossein Yazdi
    I guess these features: - Clean UI - Comprehensive collection - Useful tools
    Amit Arora
    The Action Tracker - Life Planner
    @hosseinyazdi Clean UI is so damm important which many products miss. Can you elaborate little on Comprehensive collection?
    Hossein Yazdi
    @amit_arora Sure, we have already curated 1600+ tools so far (almost 1700), so compared to many similar directories like ours who have far lesser collection than us, I think this fact makes our directory comprehensive as well.
    Aris Nakos
    Llanai - Learn Languages with AI 1) Custom Learning Curriculum based on a crisp onboarding experience 2) 20 minute lessons that test your conversational skills or pronunciation -- two features modern language apps lack 3) Accesible on WhatsApp -- no need for another app download 4) Vocabulary & Grammar usage tracking
    Amit Arora
    The Action Tracker - Life Planner
    @aris_nakos nice. can I learn golang as well?
    I am launching my product flutfast. Flutter saas boilerplate which contains all all components and basic services like onboarding, authentication , in app purchases, complex state management for creating your new mobile application. Here's the site and the product hunt teaser page: https://flutfast.com. https://producthunt.com/products....
    Amit Arora
    The Action Tracker - Life Planner
    @talkinideas Sahil, this is interesting and can really help in building over Flutter quickly. Followed the launch and will definitely support. how long have you been building the product?
    Hey Amit, i would say since its a marketing software so as a startup founder they would like the easy and effecting marketing as a feature! ( :
    Amit Arora
    The Action Tracker - Life Planner
    @istiakahmad hahaha, can elaborate little more?
    @amit_arora So, Lancepilot is the World's first WhatsApp Cold outreaching tool. So, its similar like cold emailing softwares but based on whatsapp. So using lancepilot, you will be able to outreach to your targeted prospects via WhatsApp. Cold emailing softwares requires lot of technical complexity implemented plus infrastructural costs are high. On the other side ads channels for marketing is costly and complex too.. On the other side, you can connect with lancepilot and get your account ready under 5 minutes> import your contact > Run campaign! Its as simple as that. unlike emails no spam folder in whatsapp so your messages directly lands on your prospects WhatsApp inbox! Marketing anything is easier and the Output and ROI is much higher. Make sense? ( :
    For the product I'm building - the ability to receive feedback on the ideas is a killer feature. It gives you a clear idea of what features to build next; and helps you prepare a better roadmap for your software. I think the PH community will love it.
    Amit Arora
    The Action Tracker - Life Planner
    @thebigk looks very interesting and I myself feel the need for this. Keep us updated with the progress. Would love to help you with the best way, I and we all can :)
    @amit_arora Thank you, @amit_arora . Really appreciate your support. It's almost ready and I could use some feedback from the community before I launch it on PH.
    Chathuranga Pathum
    People love managing their projects in a simple manner rather than spending too many hours learning about the tool. That's exactly what we've focused on with Worklenz. It offers a powerful way to manage your projects without any unnecessary complications. Plus, our competitive pricing makes it a great fit for anyone looking for a budget-friendly solution. We're excited to see what the community thinks!
    Amit Arora
    The Action Tracker - Life Planner
    @chathuranga_pathum interesting, what is it's USP? is worklenz focused for software teams or non-tech operational teams?
    Milli Sen
    I am building a low-code generative ai app builder. It's developed for developers and they would love the drag-and-drop features to create AI apps. And we provide templates and a built-in toolkit as well. Users would love those features.