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  • What features do you think are essential for building and engaging a online community?

    Dhruv N
    13 replies


    If the product has UGC features, plus shareable features, then it will play a big role in the community
    Milli Sen
    Features such as commenting, creating discussions and upvoting/likes.
    I believe that having a clear purpose or aim for the community is crucial. It explains why individuals are participating and what they will gain from it.
    Rajesh Chopra
    We need to foster a welcoming climate in which everyone feels comfortable sharing and contributing. This includes setting clear guidelines and being friendly.
    Engaging content is essential. I attempt to post on a frequent basis about issues that are interesting to the community and stimulate discussion.
    Mae Twyman
    An active moderation team and clear community guidelines are crucial. They help us create a safe and welcoming environment where members feel comfortable and engaging.
    Claudia Dennis
    I think having regular, meaningful content updates is essential. It keeps the community engaged and gives them reasons to keep coming back.
    Fermin Blocher
    From my point of view Strong communication tools, like chat or forums, are key for fostering interaction.
    Nicholas Alexander Green
    Definitely need commenting and upvoting for engagement. I'd also recommend features like user profiles, badges/achievements, and notification of replies to keep people coming back. Building a strong sense of community is key - maybe add forums or chat to foster discussions beyond just comments.