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  • What does your morning routine look like?

    Nikhil Mehra
    17 replies


    Sean P.
    For me, my morning routine usually starts with catching up on the latest news and trends in the AI industry. It's such a fast-moving field, and I like to stay up-to-date on what other founders and experts are talking about. Then, depending on the day of the week, I'll dive into a deep work session where I can focus on building and improving our product. I find that this routine helps me stay informed and productive throughout the day.
    For me first thing is to take the kiddos to school, then I come back and get ready for work!
    Ben Katz
    Wake up ~530 and head into work, get there ~630 and spend the first hour working on my newsletter / other projects.
    Nikhil Mehra
    @benjamin_katz2 great would love to subscribe to your newsletter. Do share the link if ready and good luck
    Mehran Najafi
    Drinking a glass of water > 20 mins of sunlight / walk > journaling > coffee > start first 4-hour session of deep work
    Sariah Mansoor
    I am the most productive in the morning but I like to start my day on a slow, peaceful note before I start working so I wake up pretty early. I take around 1.5 - 2 hours to work out, pray, have tea and spend some time with my cats and then start working. My mornings are my favorite part of the day and I think the routine works pretty well for me!
    Nikhil Mehra
    @sariah_mansoor1 Great Sairah, very similar to mine. Water, sunlight, praying, heavy breakfast and then kickstart deep work 😀
    Anoir Houmou
    Coffee and get straight to working on RECRD
    John Koo
    - wakes up around 4am - prep coffee, and get myself ready for 15min - sit down in my study and organize my reading note from the day before to obsidian for 30~60min - set task priorities for the day for 15min - eat breakfast for 30min while watching some news - start the day with second cup of coffee!
    Nikhil Mehra
    @imjohnkoo that’s great to have such a fixed routine, one thing I read was to avoid caffeine till 90 mns after you wake up so rest sounds pretty intense
    Nazli Celebi
    a nice black coffee with a milk foam :) and start working till I wake up