What do you value most about the PH community?

Shireen Jaffer
3 replies
A couple years ago my co founder Darlene and I shared our Mental Models product on PH, and over the next 24 hours, saw it get taken down from PH, then featured the next day and it ended up being #1 product of the day! We had no strategy when we first shared our product here—thankfully the PH community angels were looking out for us and we ended up with 20K users within 24 hours. This ended up being the signal that fueled us to keep betting on ourselves during a very confusing time in midst of the pandemic!


Why was it taken down and then featured the next day? What happened?
@shireenjaffer oh, nice. I'm glad it turned out well
Shireen Jaffer
@thedontgetrekt We uploaded it in the middle of the day (because we had no idea what we were doing lol) and then got a notification it was taken down. We got so concerned but turns out they did that so they could feature it at midnight the next day :) someone was looking out for us.