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  • What do you think, will Ai replace programmers in the future?

    Abhishek Ambad
    33 replies


    Chirag Dodiya
    No I don't think so, writing efficient code is still a thing that requires human creativity. I think we humans will stop doing basic coding stuff and focus more on specialised knowledge. AI can pretty much take care of meaningless stuff.
    Ekrem Çetinkaya
    I saw a tweet today which was roughly saying, "Did calculators replace Mathematicians? Then, why do you think AI will replace programmers?" I guess it had a point. I don't think they will be replacing programmers, but they might reduce the number of programmers required to achieve a task. Instead of having 100 programmers, you can probably get the job done with 10 + AI-tools.
    Adan Della-Vecchia
    AI won't replace programmers completely. It will actually make them faster and more efficient by automating repetitive tasks and assisting with things like code generation, analysis, and optimization. However, programming requires human creativity and problem-solving thinking that are hard to replicate with AI alone, so i think programmers will still be essential in the future.
    Juan Wood
    AI is likely to augment the work of programmers by automating repetitive tasks and suggesting solutions, but the creative thinking, problem-solving abilities, and domain expertise of human programmers will remain indispensable in shaping the future of technology.
    Carl Peterson
    While AI has the potential to automate certain aspects of programming, programmers will continue to play a crucial role in designing, maintaining, and expanding AI systems for the foreseeable future.
    Diane Scott
    AI is poised to enhance and streamline the programming process, allowing programmers to focus on higher-level tasks, fostering a collaborative partnership between human programmers and intelligent machines.
    Steven Young
    The evolution of AI holds the potential to automate certain aspects of programming, but it is improbable that it will completely replace the creativity, problem-solving abilities, and human touch that programmers bring to the table.
    Lydia Wang
    Not sure about replacement but will definitely increase productivity
    Nuno Reis
    Tools don't replace workers so to speak, they do make their work more efficient making it so that less worker would be needed. In the same way a calculator or a compauter never replaced mathematicians and physicists, AI won't do it either. It will make however their work much more efficient. Some people compare it to the dawn of the tractor. But there is a major difference. While there is only a certain amount of land, which means people and tractors compete to work in the same space, with everything digital, teher is infinite space, meaning that faster AI (better tractors) creates more space for everyone (more land).
    Oliver Thomes
    I think it will assist them rather than replacing them.
    Igor Lysenko
    Hello, already now some AIs are being hired by Juniors and in the future, if the AI ​​becomes even more progressive, then it will be difficult for the initial programmers.
    Hassan Munj
    AI will only replace those who are not staying ahead of the curve by ups killing them to become the best user of that AI
    Eve Box
    Evebyte Studio
    Evebyte Studio
    AI itself will not replace programmers. It is possible that AI tools will replace many programmers if programmers utilize AI tools.
    AI is a tool not a crutch. It can expedite your product development but it won't replace the value a solid technical person can bring on board.
    Max Yamp
    Airdrop Tracker
    Airdrop Tracker
    Then who's gonna program AI
    Luke Skyward
    It definitely can automate certain tasks, but in its current form, it will not automate the end-to-end process.
    Bedford West
    I think AI will change how programmers work and create new opportunities. I don't think it will replace programmers completely.
    Subin Babu
    While AI has the potential to automate certain aspects of programming, it's unlikely to fully replace programmers in the future. Programmers bring creativity, problem-solving skills, and human intuition to the table, which are crucial for developing innovative solutions. So, programmers and AI can work hand in hand, creating a powerful partnership. 🤝💻
    Marcos Dominguez
    Just as today there are product managers, agile coaches and other positions to improve the development process. Human roles with good management of AI will also appear. PromptMasters may be a good name...
    Fethi ben yahia
    Ai will surely replace actual programmers that have to migrate to another type of work. like robot replace workers in factories but can't replace creators that are engineers Ai wil not replace the intelligence but another type of programs will surely come to life to replace most activities of a programmers.