What do you think of the ranking randomising?

Fabian Maume
11 replies
Product ranks are randomized for the first 4 hours of the launch for some time now. I'm curious to know if the community thinks it is an improvement. I personally think it is a good thing as it makes the first hour of the launch far less stressful. PS: I'm sharing an updated version of my launch template , which accommodates this randomized ranking.


Vladislav Podolyako
It gives smaller products with no communities or big team a chance to get noticed.
Fabian Maume
BTW: you can use Product Wars to see how your launch is performing during the first 4 hours of launch.
Krishna Kumar
@fabian_maume Then the stress is back, no?
Fabian Maume
@kkumarkg some stress is good to stay focus :)
I agree with the ramdomization idea.
I like it - feels like it evens up the playing field a bit
Adam Cooper
I see where it's coming from - adds an element of surprise, right? But, if it's overdone, might mess up consistency and understanding of where you stand. Interesting experiment though, keep tabs on how it impacts user engagement.
Mehrdad Khanzadeh
I even prefer it to be more than 4 hours. I think it can greatly reduce the bias.
Sandra Robinson
Randomising rankings has its pros and cons. On one hand, it can help discover under-the-radar gems. On the other, it might bury high-quality content. Balance is key.