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  • What do you think is the No.1 sign of Product Market Fit?

    Harris Cheng
    29 replies


    Smit Dholakiya
    Getting customer from word of mouth
    Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
    @smit_dholakiya3 while this is important, it is not enough. Your product needs to be sticky - aka low churn/high retention. Otherwise your WOM customers leave quickly after the first look (remember Clubhouse?)
    Harris Cheng
    @smit_dholakiya3 @mogthesify makes sense! what's the most common reason for high churn in your experience?
    Matous Kralik
    High conversion rate / Low Churn rate? But in general - very broad question. Always depends on industry, market size, etc...
    Flow State Training
    Flow State Training
    Launching soon!
    @matous_kralik That's a good take.
    Sahil Patel
    The number of support tickets and the level of frustration from customers when your app has a bug.
    Harris Cheng
    @sahilypatel interesting take, but how do you know if the product is just not up to standard or getting a good PMF signal?
    Sales. Particularly from word-of-mouth referrals.
    Harris Cheng
    @duffdevone good point! how do you track whether customers are from WOM?
    Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
    High retention plus organic groth through word-of-mouth.
    Harris Cheng
    @mogthesify what is the biggest sign you see when there is WOM? I personally think it's hard to track sometimes
    Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
    @harrischh If it's hard to track, then your not getting enough ;-) anyway, if your traffic increases independent of ad traffic and paid referrals, that's when your getting WOM.
    Arthur Miller
    If we see a steady increase in our revenue without having to spend heavily on marketing, it suggests our product is resonating well.
    Harris Cheng
    @arthur_miller1 great point arthur, what do you think is a good amount of marketing expense for your first 10k MRR?
    Aryan Kohli
    I observe that our churn rate is low, which means customers are sticking with us because they find value in what we offer.
    Harris Cheng
    @aryan_kohli I see, would you say a buggy website will never reach PMF?
    Aurther Bella
    When we can scale our operations smoothly without compromising on quality, it tells me we're successfully meeting market demand.
    Harris Cheng
    @aurther_bella mind sharing what product you're currently working on?
    Has to be the revenue coming from the product. People vote with real money is the best sign that your product find its market.
    Santosh Kumar
    I think the number one sign of Product Market Fit is when customers are consistently coming back and using your product. If they keep coming back, it means they see real value in what you’re offering.
    Chandrshekhar Rawan
    I believe a clear sign of Product Market Fit is when you start getting unsolicited positive feedback from users. When people reach out to tell you how much they love your product, you know you’re on the right track.
    Delip Babu
    I think the biggest sign is when you start seeing organic growth in your user base. If people are finding and using your product without heavy marketing, it’s a sign that the product is meeting a genuine need.
    Sana Khan
    When you’re seeing strong and growing demand from customers who are eager to use your product, that’s a solid sign of product-market fit.
    Dinda Nancy
    High customer retention and repeat usage indicate that people find real value in what you’re offering.
    David Grunwald
    If your revenue is steadily increasing and customers are willing to pay for your product, you’re likely on the right track.
    Paul Mbetobong
    High user retention rates are a strong indicator. When customers keep coming back and continue to use the product, it shows it meets their needs.
    Chioma Nzomiwu
    Consistent positive feedback from users is a key sign. If customers regularly provide favorable reviews and testimonials, it indicates the product is well-received.
    Shameka Fabros
    Rapid growth in user acquisition is a clear sign. When the product attracts new users quickly through word-of-mouth and referrals, it suggests a strong market fit.