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  • What do you think about higher education, is it necessary these days?

    Natallia Shakhmetava
    188 replies
    Recently, we have a discussion about that topic with few friends, I am curious to know what the tech community thinks about this.


    Prashant Maurya
    Let me give you an answer I always give to the people I interview for my company. Your qualification does not matter when you have proven something already in your domain. For most of the people I work with, I do not prefer to ask about their qualifications. I am a founder and CEO of a company, and for your information, I am also a Solution Architect, and I don't have a post-graduation degree or an MBA degree but leading a big team. I hope this answer will help you to understand where the degree matters.
    Lilia Nimchuk
    I think the most important thing that higher education gives us now is that it teach you how to build connections and how to maintain them)
    Natallia Shakhmetava
    @lilia_nimchuk1 thank you for sharing, I totally agree with you
    Joris Falter
    @lilia_nimchuk1 Agreed, what I got out of university are relations with strong performers which I still cherish!
    Morgan Lucas
    @lilia_nimchuk1 IDK, I think paying so much for a glorified social club isn't right. It should offer some kind of career value, and many don't do that.
    Launching soon!
    @lilia_nimchuk1 I completely agree that higher education teaches us how to build relationships and helps us develop the maturity to handle them effectively. It also provides us with the patience to navigate various situations and the ability to distinguish between what is beneficial and harmful to us. Higher education holds significant value.
    Shivam Thiagarajan
    So there are two main parts of "higher education": full universities, and short-term technical certification schools. I believe that you must only go for university if you wish to enter a certain profession, like medicine, engineering, accounting or law. Other than that, technical school should work just fine. But no matter what path you choose, you must always build your skills.
    Natallia Shakhmetava
    @shivam_thiagarajan thank you, for sure, for professions such as doctors or lawyer you should definitely get a higher education.
    Andy Gent
    @shivam_thiagarajan @shakhmetava_natallia do you think? AI is going to replace any ā€œrules basedā€ profession. Iā€™m advising my kids to learn creativity and project management
    Shivam Thiagarajan
    @shakhmetava_natallia @andy_gent_ That's a good question. I believe AI definitely can replace most repetitive jobs.
    Satish Kumar Veluri
    If we are talking about higher education as in going to college, then the necessity is based on persona - people who do it because of their passion for learning - people who do it for fulfilling a criteria If it's not about going to college, then there are tons and tons of people who learn things which matter their progress (both in professionally and personally).
    Natallia Shakhmetava
    @satish_kumar_veluri, thank you! Yeah, about going to college, unfortunately, there are a lot of people, who go there just because it's the right thing to do
    Satish Kumar Veluri
    @shakhmetava_natallia I'm not really sure about the "right thing to do" feeling..šŸ˜ I see people doing it just because lot's of other people are doing it. It's like buying a product in amazon or flipkart based on the reviews šŸ˜
    Jerryton Surya
    Definitely not now a days companies looking for people who have skills not degree
    Natallia Shakhmetava
    @jerryton_surya I totally agree with you But, still, unfortunately in some company, especially large corporations, require higher education
    Anil Meena
    @jerryton_surya agreed... and thats why just simply a school name should not be goal. But the knowledge one obtain from there.
    Martin Moravek
    It depends on the profession/career. If you want to be a medical doctor, it would be suitable to have a formal education (especially to have a licence). šŸ˜„ On the other hand, I know many people (programmers, marketers etc.) who don't have higher education and are very good at their mission. Many people earn their education by practising, reading books, and connecting with other people in the professional area. Higher education can help us make connections that can be valuable in the future. It is an investment in our relationships.
    Natallia Shakhmetava
    @minimalistphone, thank you for sharing! I completely agree that it depends on the specialty in the first place and there are many options for learning without going to college. What do you think of those companies that require higher education?
    Martin Moravek
    @shakhmetava_natallia Honestly, I do not know what to think about them, because some of them require tremendous skills and higher education, but their salary evaluation does not correspond to the requirements. That's one of the many reasons I run my own business. In many cases, companies do not want to pay more because you are "too qualified". Also, it depends on countries. There are many factors that step into the game, such as culture and social status.
    Ahmet Hojamyradov
    For some jobs, higher education is a must (medicine, science, etc.). I know many people that have multiple degrees and the ones who decided not to have any. Despite the fact that the latter do not have higher education, they have good positions and know their work well (mostly in IT). What is important for the employer is that you have a sufficient level of knowledge, are ready to learn, and know how to work with people and tight deadlines. Universities and institutes give such practical skills in the course of study. And people who choose to study on their own need to be disciplined, which is challenging. I think getting a quality higher education is a necessary step for most of us. But it's not easy to find quality education in the CIS, unfortunately :)
    Natallia Shakhmetava
    @ahmet_hojamyradov Thank you for your opinion, hope soon situation with quality education in the CIS will be better!
    Anastasiia K
    In my opinion, higher education is not only about education, it is about dedication and commitment. It's about discipline apart from networking, knowledge, personal development and the actual diploma. Thereby, such education is important and beneficial. Yet of course it is up to every person individually :) If you want to study, you will study - no matter whether that's a university degree or online education, or personal experience. I personally chose to multitask - work and study; so far so good.
    Natallia Shakhmetava
    @anastasiiahere, thank you for sharing your opinion! For sure, a huge part of gaining education are networking, knowledge and personal development)
    Ksenia Astafieva
    Often, our success at work depends on solid communication skills, whether it be oral or written. And, in my opinion, we need colledge for impoving our communication abilities. With an ever changing global society, communication abilities can help compete in the changing career landscape, digital advancements, and increasingly difficult competition at the workplace.
    Steven Birchall
    Necessary, I'd say no, but still very useful for those who choose to do it. For those who can get experience without it, they usually will be fine in their careers, especially in the tech space where skills and experience are more important.
    Alexander Ilyin
    In my opinion, it depends. There are a lot of people thinking person without higher education can gain nothing in his life. But it actually depends on definition of the success. So, thereā€™re so many areas people can be successful in, and few from them need higher education. If weā€™re talking about career in IT, it also depends. Because many tech companies require having higher education from candidates applying for managing positions. But to build a career as an engineer, for instance, higher education is not required. Also, agree with @ahmet_hojamyradov about quality of the education: some universities prevent graduating unqualified specialists, some donā€™t. Rating of the university matters. In summary, higher education can be helpful for some people as well as it can be useless for other.
    Natallia Shakhmetava
    @ilyin thank you for sharing, of course higher education can be helpful, especially if you understand why you need it
    Anne-Laure Le Cunff
    As someone who's been a long-time advocate for self-education but decided to go back to university at age 28, I think the answer is quite nuanced. Some basics need to be covered: good communication, project management, learning how to learn, etc. Which, ironically, are often not covered that well in traditional higher education, but are still touched upon through group projects and such. Once the basics are covered, there are many kinds of roles where you'll learn much better on your own and on the job than you would by going to university. This is especially true of fast-changing areas like web development and online marketing. I think anyone who's motivated can do these jobs very well by using a combination of online courses and having a good manager that can provide mentorship. But there are some kinds of jobs where you still do need formal tutoring and access to specific resources through higher education. That includes any kind of job that relates to people's health and safety, such as medical staff, but also jobs where you need to be trained with specialist equipment that you may not have available at home. That's why I went back to school to study neuroscience ā€“ no way I could afford an MRI scanner and put it in my living room! So, it depends on the kind of role you're looking at. In many cases, higher education is not only unnecessary, but is a bad choice when you consider the opportunity costs.
    Natallia Shakhmetava
    @anthilemoon, wow, that's really hard to combine work and education! Good luck with that) Thank you for your opinion and link to tool with opportunity costs)
    Csaba Zajdo
    Higher education is crucial these days. It is the time in which I develop my critical thinking skills and broaden my horizons.
    Chetan Natesh
    We are definitely in a skill based economy, so a degree makes sense only for a few particular professions like law, medicine etc. So by higher education if you mean degree then they are not as essential as before. But definitely upskilling has to be given very high priority.
    I think it generally depends on the person. But more so than for the skills it gives you (for instance in tech, experience is probably more valuable than education), higher education provides an environment to grow as a person. It allows you to develop you personality, meet people that have totally different areas of interest. And all that without having the concerns of jobs and money right after high school.
    Jason Perez
    It really depends on your field. If you are going into social media or sw programming, it is not necessary, but nice to have. If you want to become a physician or mechanical engineer, it's necessary.
    In today's world, higher education is not such an important aspect of life. In my opinion, the value of higher education is decreasing every year, and self-education is taking its place (with the exception of medicine, law and similar areas of life). Universities used to be the only source of knowledge and experience, but now the Internet easily replaces all of that.
    John A.Purvis
    On the evening I think we should pop to another neighbourhood for a wander, drink and dinner. Happy not to go into the centre. Which would people recommend nearby? On the map I can see Chaillot, Ternes and Batignolles but it looks like the tube runs directly to other places. Any help appreciated. Xx https://pixellogo.com/blogs/pixe...
    Kate Dalessi
    Depends on what you want to do with your life. If you want to be a doctor, hell yes it's necessary! As far as IT goes, however, I think no educational institution is adaptive enough to be able to catch up with the tempo things are changing here.
    nothing is necessary these days