What do you love about Twitter?

Morgan M
7 replies


Honestly, almoat nothing. Donโ€™t like this tool but it has really great features)
Pleasure Meditation
My favorite part is probably just the random encounters with all the interesting, talented, stupid, brilliant, crazy, lonely, chemically-impaired, life-journey bound humans who live all around us on our beautiful Earth. ...Never a dull moment. :-)
Checking people's reactions to something about it!๐Ÿ‘ The most enjoyable part is being a part of a community, getting engagement, and then seeing my account grow. For growing accounts and filtering audiences, I use Hummin.io
Are you active on Twitter?? Let's connect! @enjoy_eom
That there are so many people! That's all. The functionality of Twitter is not satisfactory.
Irma Lafleur
Honestly... not much. lol!