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  • What do you do when you can't focus?

    Sadath N
    7 replies


    Vítor Soares
    Sleep, coffee, meditation!
    NJ Robb
    Launching soon!
    You have two options, 1) take a break or 2) stop doing what is distracting you.
    Miko Markovic
    I stop whatever I was trying to do and go for a walk, Works most times.
    Azra Memisevic
    I often take a moment for deep breathing, step outside for fresh air, or switch to a different task.
    Sidra Arif
    Dialog AI
    Dialog AI
    Launching soon!
    I sleep, this helps me clear my mind but that only works when there is no deadline, incase there is any I will get anxiety and that anxiety would let me do anything anyway. 🥲
    Gurkaran Singh
    When focus goes MIA, I like to try the Pomodoro technique - work for 25 minutes, then treat myself to a snack like a mini victory lap in the productivity race! How do you reign in your wandering attention span?