What do you do in your spare time?

William Willey
55 replies


Mohsin Riaz
Writing short stories, escaping reality through words. It's not just storytelling; it's my literary journey, where characters come alive and plots unfold. Writing isn't just a hobby; it's my voyage into the realms of imagination.
Rafay Nadeem
I watch educational videos.
@rafay_nadeem éducation on what? Good for you though?
Right now I’m walking on a treadmill at the gym. How about you William?
@william_willey at my age just smelling a Big Mac will add 20 pounds of weight
Daniel Zaitzow
@slimmy82 same haha
Roland Marlow
Social media (I need to stop) Read I use to play video games but haven't in a long time Research things
William Willey
@rmarlow What type of games do you play?
Roland Marlow
@william_willey Mostly played CSGO (stopped before CS2 came out). Years ago I would play things like H1Z1, Pubg, etc. with friends.
Wyatt Feaster
Reading and working on the side project lately
Elena Tsemirava
I watch movies or take short trips. Unfortunately, I don't have as much free time as I would like.
Whitney M
Some days it's curled up with a good sci-fi novel, letting my imagination blast off with the author. Other days, I'm covered in flour, whipping up a new batch of sourdough - the smell of fresh bread is pure therapy.
Steward Edison
Give me a trail, a backpack, and a stunning mountain vista, and I'm a happy camper. Hiking is my ultimate meditation, the rhythmic clinking of poles and the fresh air cleansing my mind. But when the weather's not cooperating, you can find me curled up with a hot cup of tea and a good mystery, piecing together the clues like a digital Sherlock Holmes.
Monty Parin
My evenings are usually a juggling act of cooking up delicious (and sometimes disastrous) meals, wrangling my mischievous cat, and catching up with loved ones, both near and far. But when the house is quiet, I sneak away for a late-night writing session, pouring my daydreams and anxieties onto the page.
Nikandr Romanov Rivano
An avid cyclist, chasing sunsets on two wheels. It's not just exercise; it's my therapy, a journey where every pedal revives my spirit. Cycling isn't a hobby; it's a rhythm of freedom.
Gavin Marshall
Weekend gardener, nurturing blooms and greens. It's not just about plants; it's my meditation, a connection with nature that rejuvenates my soul. Gardening is more than a hobby; it's my oasis.
Sirina D
I usually read novels.
Leo Cobain
Urban explorer on weekends. It's not just wandering; it's my adventure in the concrete jungle. Every street corner is a discovery; the city is my vast playground of untold stories. Urban exploration isn't just a hobby; it's my metropolitan odyssey.
Daniel Zaitzow
I try to hit the gym / the driving range / watch movies / currently re-watching Lost which is a time suck / cook / basketball and every now and then a glass of wine can't hurt. I guess spend time with my wife too haha
Ali Raza
I am volunteering at local shelters, giving back. It's not just charity; it's my heartfelt contribution to the community. Every moment spent is a step towards creating a better world. Volunteering isn't just a duty; it's my small part in a significant change.
Angelina Shaw
I am dedicated to my home garden, growing organic. It's not just cultivation; it's my sustainable haven, where every harvest is a victory over mass production. Gardening isn't just a hobby; it's my green rebellion.
Anastasia Liamets
While it’s -40 in Canada, I watch movies, Reels or do yoga
Thắng Võ
I read books and play games, and you