What did the world learn from the design of the Macintosh?

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The Macintosh's groundbreaking design philosophy continues to inspire and guide today's designers in several ways 👇🏼 🎯 Pioneering User Experience Macintosh's introduction of a graphical user interface (GUI) with windows, icons, and mouse-based interaction changed the way we interact forever. This innovation laid the foundation and standards for accessibility and user-friendliness. 📚 The Power of Typography Macintosh was among the first computers to provide users with a diverse range of fonts and advanced typography tools, highlighting the importance of text design in digital interfaces. Today, designers prioritize typography as a crucial aspect. 🌱 Embracing Minimalism Macintosh's clean and uncluttered interface, along with its sleek hardware design, was an early example of digital minimalism. 🏢 Cultivating a Design-Driven Culture 

 Steve Jobs' passion for design excellence in the Macintosh project helped establish a design-driven culture at Apple. 

Now leading to design-led growth. So here's the million dollar question 😂 - What did you learn from the philosophies of Apple?
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