What content do you post on social media?

Olena Bomko
58 replies
I post 3 main types of content on LinkedIn: - Useful guides/infographics/templates - Entertaining memes and funny videos - Social proof I post infographics and memes for brand awareness. I post useful practical guides and social proof to close deals. I plan to start doing thought-leadership videos, too. If you're interested in what works on LinkedIn, I will launch my LinkedIn Inbound Playbook soon: https://www.producthunt.com/prod...


Roee Naim
Educational posts: How to solve a math problem, general tips for learning math etc. We use users feedback to create posts that meets their needs. Good Luck :)
Sergei Petrov
Interesting topic, we are just planning to launch an advertising campaign on LinkedIn. Thanks for sharing.
Sara jalildokhti
i post: quick tips, fun facts and special events!
Jake Harrison
I post the newest product demo videos!
Olena Bomko
@jakeharr Are you happy with the results?
Anna Solovyova
I used to post mostly real-world observations in my area and some funny stuff. Basically, the biggest involvement is usually in the topics that lie in the intersection between real-life pains and possible business cases connected with them.
Olena Bomko
@solo_here Are you happy with your LinkedIn results?
tariq anees
@solo_here thatโ€™s a great idea Anna. Especially because the products we built have been created from the intersection of real life pains and possible business cases
Prema Toppo
Our social media team post different type of content. @olenabomko Try moment marketing and carousel and let me know the social traffic.
Iya Mendoza
As the social media manager for Logomakerr.ai, our content engages our audience effectively while reflecting our brand's identity. Here's what you'll find on our social media: Our new logos, client testimonials, logo design tips, seasonal posts, interactive posts (polls, quizzes, and challenges), memes, promotions, and contests. Our strategy reflects the unique aspects of LogoMaker.ai, aiming to promote brand awareness, educate our audience, and foster a creative community of designers and business owners.
Heleana Grace
We build in public. So we share updates, challenges, wins and so on. Oh and video is huge on LinkedIn.
Olena Bomko
@heleana What formats perform the best for you?
Dzmitry Tsemirau
On LinkedIn, I post useful guides. However I noticed that they are not of particular interest among users, so something else is needed.
Dzmitry Tsemirau
@olenabomko Not yet, I'm looking for interesting ideas.
Wahab Zainab
I post design tips and case studies
Olena Bomko
@wahab_zainab Are you happy with the results?
Yasi Rajaee
We focus a lot on product updates for linkedIn, we are aiming to build + launch one feature a week for the foreseeable future
Yasi Rajaee
@olenabomko you can check out the last one here and see for yourself ;-P https://www.linkedin.com/posts/f...
Vahid A. Nezhad
This is my checklist for sharing content on social media: - Industry Insights: Share your thoughts on industry trends, market analysis, and emerging technologies. Providing valuable insights can position you as a thought leader in your field. - Success Stories: Highlight success stories or case studies from your work or your clients. These can showcase your expertise and the positive impact you've had on your clients' businesses. - Behind-the-Scenes: Give your audience a glimpse into your daily work life. This humanizes your brand and allows people to connect with you on a personal level. - Educational Videos: Create short educational videos on relevant topics in your industry. These can be quick tips, tutorials, or explanations of complex concepts. - Ask Questions: Post thought-provoking questions or polls to encourage engagement and start conversations with your connections. - Customer Testimonials: Share testimonials or reviews from satisfied clients. This builds trust and credibility for your services or products.
Viscanzo Smith
I generally post my website stuff as i want to be expert and shown search engine that i am master of my skills and niche. I sell lightsaber australia and in my region everyone know me.
Sagar Patel
I am still experimenting with my content. Trying to understand what my audience wants, and is looking for in terms of content.
Daniel Peris
Things about my businesses, #BuildInPublic, things about retro video games, play on words :D
Job Rietbergen
Memes, memes and more memes during launch (today!) + thought leadership Feel free to check it out: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deve...
On LinkedIn work related and on X anything and everything.
Alice Ko
Great list! Do not forget about: - Testimonials (screenshot Tweets, reviews from G2/Capterra, etc) - Product launches and updates - Partner updates - Employee updates (when new employees join, anniversaries, birthdays) - Gifs - Holiday shoutouts (e.g. National Women's Day, etc) - Promos and contests - Curated content about your industry
Olena Bomko
@kokostiletto Testimonials is a part of social proof :)