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  • What concerns, if any, do you have about the rise of artificial intelligence?

    Berk Atik
    19 replies
    My biggest concern is the possibility of bias in certain decision-making processes.


    Elisa Reggiardo
    Having biased datasets feed algorithms and not enough energy dedicated to studying how to address this, luckily, there is already some work being done and some papers being published but unfortunately still a long way to go in a space where the excitement might cloud our focus on things we might want to address from the get-go.
    I feel sorry for people that have no access to AI, especially in the SEO space right now. At some point, Google has to say stop I think.
    Gizem Nur Keskin
    I have to admit, for a second, I thought AI would leave me unemployed. But here's the thing: AI alone can't make us go out of business. Rather, the people who leverage AI will be the powerful ones in the future- of course, this is my personal opinion ☺️
    Richard Gao
    Main concern is that one company or country has a monopoly, and it'll be very hard to dislodge and the ability to spread misinfo becomes thousandfold. Already have some LLMs coming out of China that prevent users from producing outputs critical of the CCP. That's what we're trying to curb at evoke-app.com by making open source AI models (unfiltered) more accessible to the public through APIs by hosting them on the cloud.
    Kayode Odeleye
    The uncertainties about how it pans out. I suspect the biggest impacts will be industries we aren't expecting
    Vie Le
    AI can learn everything very quickly, becoming more and more "smart", better meeting human needs, but in the end, machines still cannot think and understand what has been learned. My concern is if people can put the right info for the AI to learn and optimize it for the right purpose of use.
    Habibatul Muntaha
    Not gonna lie apart from it's some common rising concerns like lack of transparency, potential bias, impact on employment, the potential for autonomous decision-making and others, it is a very effective and helpful tool. But my biggest concern is its gonna make the upcoming generation brainless, dumb and indolent.
    Sanjeet Yadav
    There are several concerns that have been raised about the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). Some of the main concerns include: Job displacement: One of the major concerns about the rise of AI is that it may lead to job displacement, as machines and software become capable of performing tasks that were previously done by humans. Bias and discrimination: AI systems are only as unbiased as the data they are trained on. If the data used to train an AI system is biased or discriminatory, the system will likely make biased or discriminatory decisions as well. Lack of accountability: AI systems can make decisions that are difficult to explain, which can make it difficult to hold the system or its creators accountable for its actions. Security and privacy: As AI becomes more advanced, it may become easier for malicious actors to use the technology for cyber attacks or to gain access to personal information. Impact on decision-making: AI can make decisions that are not aligned with human values, and this could lead to negative impacts on society. Lack of understanding: With the rapid advancement of AI, many people may not understand how these technologies work or the implications of their use. This can lead to mistrust and a lack of engagement with the technology. AI safety and control: Advancements in AI technology can pose serious safety concerns, as the AI might not align with human values, it could be difficult to control or stop an AI if it starts behaving in unexpected and dangerous ways. It is crucial that the development and deployment of AI technology is done in an ethical and responsible manner, with careful consideration of the potential impacts on society and the economy.
    Lauren Jacob
    Everything becomes unreliable like fake news and filter bubbles
    Aaron O'Leary
    Honestly, as unrealistic as it is I'm terrified about a Skynet like future or any future where AI can take a human life
    Ágh Helmut
    My most important concern is that the technology develops so fast we have no idea what AI tools will be capable of in years or even months, so it will be really hard for the world to adapt to these rapid changes.
    1) Bias & discrimination 2) Security & vulnerability concerns 3) Ethics & moral judgments
    Nick Mazikov
    At the moment, AI only improves our lives and makes some work a lot easier
    Kevin T.
    The term "artificial intelligence" has become a blanket term for what is machine learning. "AI," like "Web 2.0/Web 3.0," are catch-phrases without meaning, but the term is poisoning public acceptance and understanding of such technologies with science fiction nonsense.
    Adrian Leanne
    They will be increasingly deployed to predict human behavior for the purpose of profit generation
    Jeremy Mark
    The biggest threats we face are weaponisation of AI and development of AI being restricted within geopolitical alliances
    David Cagigas
    Don't take the most out of the technology
    Lauren Proctor
    My biggest concern is the fact that we will always need humans to train AI. As a result, AI will absorb our racism, ignorances, and intolerances.
    Terminator movie, obviously.