What community platform do you use for building your online community?

Jose Rodríguez
16 replies
I'm building a list of theme here, feel free to submit yours: https://productivity.directory/c...


Austin Armstrong
I try to utilize everything I can Reddit Quora Black Hat World YC etc. try them all out and test the waters
Mohsen Khani 🎯
actually building it on Slack.
Boris Markarian
Linkedin PH Telegram Reddit
Michael Shver
Trying to do it here, on Product Hunt, X, Instagram, and Facebook. And I recently created a TikTok account for my product too. We'll see how it goes 😅
Ryan Zhang
I've been leveraging Circle for my online community, as it offers a seamless integration with various tools and a highly customizable space that fosters engagement. Its flexibility in creating different types of content and spaces makes it a standout choice for nurturing a vibrant community.
Elena Tsemirava
LinkedIn Twitter PH
Business Marketing with Nika
I started with Instagram but ended up on Twitter, Product Hunt, LinkedIn and trying to build YouTube. This one is so hard.
@busmark_w_nika Nika you're killin it on twitter. Did you happen to work with Tyler Denk at some point? Any tips on growing on twitter also? I just started. I'm a completely noob marketer so any tips are appreciated!
Business Marketing with Nika
@yukioyama We follow each other with Tyler but haven't been collaborating. At the moment, I am not a big fish for him. :D
@busmark_w_nika Nice! Threw u a follow on X Nika excited to see where things take u in ur entrepreneurial journey
Asmitha Rathis
At QueryPal we have a Slack community that has helped us to nurture some of our users and give them support.
JD Worcester
Does everyone prefer Slack over Discord?
We're building our community using our own community platform - Wylo. https://community.wyloapp.com/ is our product community. Feel free to check it out! And let me know what you think.