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  • What are your top strategies for saving time in your daily routine?

    Ernest Wolfe
    35 replies


    Sh Owais Ahmed
    A cosmetics manufacturer plays a crucial role in the beauty industry by producing a wide range of personal care products, from skincare and makeup to hair care and fragrances. These manufacturers are responsible for transforming raw ingredients into high-quality, effective products that meet stringent safety and regulatory standards. They often work closely with cosmetic brands to develop innovative formulations that cater to evolving consumer preferences and market trends.
    Udaya Sri
    Waking up early allows me time to organize my to-do list. And I try to tackle small tasks between major ones to take a break and stay productive.
    Muhammad Daffa Shiddiq
    I save time by prioritizing tasks, using a planner, batching similar activities, and setting time limits. I also delegate tasks, minimize distractions, and prepare for the next day the night before
    Cedric Mathias
    I create a to do list and work accordingly which helps me to save a lot of time
    Ernest Wolfe
    Escape the Algorithm
    Escape the Algorithm
    Launching soon!
    @cedric_mathias What software and methods do you like using for your todo list?
    Areo Sodiq Adebola
    having a to-do list and be disciplined in following that list
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    I make a to-do list and keep a target of completing as much as I can. I mark some items as "high priority" so I can cater them first.
    Luka Brzin
    Waking up early, preparing what I have to do the night before and using the 2-minute rule (everything that can be done in 2 minutes or less, you have to do it immidiately)
    Nneoma Jane
    I focus on what's truly important and allocate time accordingly.
    Flow State Training
    Flow State Training
    Launching soon!
    Start your day early and that too by "Eating the frog" ie doing the hard task first.
    1. Prioritization: Determine which tasks are most important and deal with them first. Prioritize important and urgent things, important and not urgent, not important and urgent, and not important and not urgent. 2. Batch processing: Group similar tasks together for batch processing to reduce task switching time. 3. Use technology tools: Use calendar apps, to-do lists, automation tools, and more to manage time and tasks. 4. Avoid multitasking: Focus on a single task until it is completed to increase efficiency and quality. 5. Set time limits: Set time limits for each task to avoid excessive time spent.
    Bryce June
    Firstly a healthy mind is important to make more converting strategies, I took 6 hours sleep and hour break after every 4 hour to retain productivity. Regards, Bryce June For more update do follow me: https://crunchyrollapk.net/
    Ernest Wolfe
    Escape the Algorithm
    Escape the Algorithm
    Launching soon!
    @brycejune Do you have any apps or software that help you keep a healthy mind?
    TMetric Time Tracker
    TMetric Time Tracker
    One of my top strategies for saving time is using TMetric to track and optimize my daily tasks, ensuring I stay focused and productive throughout the day.
    TJ Larkin
    Launching soon!
    I always make sure all my devices are synced. This saves me time transferring information between them and helps me stay updated without extra effort.
    My3 Murthy
    Waking up early & getting my alone time. Really helps me decompress & plan my day out.
    Cheryle Veltri
    I swear by batch processing tasks. I group similar activities together and tackle them in one go. It’s way more efficient than switching between different types of tasks throughout the day.
    Eriberto Puppy
    I use a time-blocking method on my calendar. I allocate specific blocks of time for different tasks and stick to the schedule. It helps me stay focused and avoid getting sidetracked.
    Richard Reis
    AI Document Translator
    AI Document Translator
    Write a script to automate whatever I can 😅
    prep food for the week -- spend limited bandwidth worrying about or preparing meals during the work day.
    David Grunwald
    I always start by making a list of my top priorities for the day. It helps me focus on what really needs to get done first.
    Dinda Nancy
    I usually prepare my meals in advance, so I don’t have to spend time cooking during the week. It makes meal times quicker and less stressful.