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  • What are your time management tips?

    33 replies
    When I have a lot on my plate, even when I prioritize, I sometimes don't get it all done. What can I do about it?


    Ahmed M. Hussien
    you can create a routine or schedule for yourself. Set aside specific times each day to work on your project or task, and stick to it as much as possible. This will help you build momentum and make progress consistently, even when you don't feel particularly motivated.
    @a_hussein I guess it's all about making things a routine! Thanks for the helpful advice! Have a great day :)
    Daniel Do
    The best is setting up time blocks for focus work without meetings and distractions. That's one of the main must-haves. I also try not to respond immediately to messages on Slack and have time when I look into them. It takes a lot of mental energy if you're quickly responding to everything. I also have my own dashboard in Notion where I organize my work - projects, tasks, and notes. It's fully integrated into my day-to-day work and it's saving me a looot of time.
    @pm_optimizer Thanks for the great tips! I've realized that I spend more time than I thought checking and responding to messages on Slack. I'll definitely try implementing your suggestions :) By the way, it seems like you're getting ready to launch. If you need any support while preparing, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter! I'll be rooting for you.
    Peyt Spencer Dewar
    @pm_optimizer what are your general rules around responses to chat messages?
    Daniel Do
    @psd For me, the ideal way to go through messages is in the morning, after lunch, and later in the day. When I see messages popping up, I'm ignoring them and when I'm taking a break, I can go through them. The worst thing is to respond to them immediately. Even though it can sometimes happen I already saw the message, I just mark is as "Not read" or create a notification in Slack to remind me later about it. It happens that when you respond immediately, the other person as well responds immediately and then you're doing something for 10 minutes without even wanting that :D
    Daniel Do
    @frida_lee Thanks Frida, I'll reach definitely reach out <3
    What helps me is planning my routine in a paper notebook with a blue pen, specifying how many minutes I think I will spend for a specific thing. And then track actual time spent, and compare it to what I planned initially. It feels that it helps me improve my time estimation skill :-)
    @natalia_est Oh, that's such a great tip! I think I can try it right away. Thank you so much ❤️
    Set time-sensitive goals. Set a timer on apps every time you get notified you will be reminded of time that you are spending.
    @divya14 Sometimes I lose track of time while working, but setting a timer could help me avoid that. Thank you!👍
    Adithya Narayanan
    I think its perfectly fine to not complete your to-do list, happens to all of us :) That said, here are a few steps that help me get through most of the list. 3 steps: 1. First 20 minutes of the day write down your entire to-do list. Do this analog, use a diary, don't use your phone or laptop 2. Mark 3 things as the most important things to be done. If you're exhausted mid-way, pulled into a meeting, something happens - just focus on finishing these 3 things. 3. Start with the hardest. Doesn't guarantee that you'll finish your to-do list, but it'll help :)
    @adithya_narayanan1 I don't know why, but reading your comment gave me confidence!!💪 Thank you so much for the actionable tips. I'll try writing things down by hand and making sure to finish the top three most important tasks today. Really, thank you so much!
    @adithya_narayanan1 Do you mind if I share this comment on my Twitter mentioning you? (I just followed you!) Because I'm trying to follow your answer today and I think this is a pretty good tip and I want to save it.
    I use Ivy Lee Method, basically I plan 6 tasks for every work day, I prioritise them by urgency and strictly stick to schedule :) It has been working very well for me :)
    @sandradjajic Wow, it must be hard to get all six done every day, but you're amazing. What do you do if something comes up along the way that interrupts you, like a low-priority task that just pops up?
    @frida_lee II try not to be to strickt with myself - I always try to get all 6 tasks done but If I get interrupted and maybe only get 5 done it is okay as well. But to be honest in the beginning that was really difficult to accept that there may be some days where I do't get all 6 done ☺️
    Kristina Bolgarchuk
    At such moments, one method helps me to increase efficiency :) I'm talking about The Pomodoro Technique video on YouTube. The thing is really working.
    @kristina_b_ I'll look it up on YouTube! Thanks for the advice :D
    Nastassia Baravik
    Perform the most unpleasant task first and then proceed with the next ones. I also try to take at least a few breaks within my business day and perform non-business tasks at this time like doing sports or cooking some foods.
    @nastassia_baravik1 Come to think of it, I used to tackle the simplest and most repetitive tasks first, but as a result, I often felt more anxious towards the end of the day due to the larger tasks that were left. Thank you!👍
    Carmela Padasas
    Sticking to build habits, building momentum,
    @carmela_padasas Thank you for your advice!
    Paweł Gałwa
    Do You briefly estimate how much time will take you to finish the exact task? My point is, maybe You don't reserve enough time for them.
    @pawel_galwa I think that's likely the cause. While I had set priorities, I hadn't anticipated the amount of time they would take. Thanks for the helpful comment!
    Sakshi Gahlawat
    1. Make a to-do list 2. Set realistic goals 3. Avoid multitasking 4. Eliminate distractions 5. Learn to say no
    Yavuz Tunc Emran
    Here are the tips I can give..: Prioritize tasks: Make a to-do list at the beginning of each day and prioritize your tasks based on their importance and urgency. Set deadlines: Set realistic deadlines for each task and hold yourself accountable to them. This can help you stay focused and avoid procrastination. Eliminate distractions: Identify and eliminate anything that distracts you from your work, such as social media notifications or email alerts. Take breaks: Taking regular breaks can help you stay focused and productive. Try the Pomodoro technique, which involves working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break. Delegate tasks: If possible, delegate tasks to others to free up your time for more important or urgent work. Use time management tools: Use tools like calendars, timers, and project management software to help you stay organized and on track. Learn to say no: Don't take on more than you can handle. Learn to say no to requests that aren't essential or that would take up too much of your time. By following these time management tips, you can become more productive and efficient, and achieve your goals more effectively. I hope it helps!
    Michel Gagnon
    The secret that really changed how I work is prioritization. I use to spend a lot of time working on efficiency and trying to do more. Setting up todo list and complicated notification systems. The truth is, only a few activities/tasks move the needle. So you need to be clear on what these are. And that means saying no to a lot of other stuff. As James Clear wrote, “In the long-run, prioritization beats efficiency.”
    Naveen Sharma
    Based on my personal experience, I have found that creating a process for repetitive or similar tasks can save time. For instance, when managing my personal finances, I developed a system for categorizing my expenses and creating a monthly budget. This made it easier for me to track my spending and saved me a lot of time compared to manually sorting through receipts and bills each month.
    Pavel Kukhnavets
    Here are my top 5 time management tips to help you become more productive and organized: 1. Prioritize tasks. Start your day by identifying the most important and urgent tasks. 2. Set clear goals. Having a clear sense of what you want to accomplish will help you stay on track and avoid wasting time on unimportant activities. 3. Use a professional online planner. There are many reliable project management tools with planning and scheduling features. 4. Minimize distractions. Identify common distractions in your workspace and life, such as social media, email, or noisy environments. 5. Learn to say No. It's essential to manage your commitments effectively. Don't overcommit yourself to tasks and projects that don't align with your goals or priorities.