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  • What are your thoughts on Google's helpful content update that's coming?

    Sandra Idjoski
    22 replies
    Yesterday Google posted an article on what creators should know about Google's helpful content update coming in the next 2 weeks. One of their key points is that they'll favor people-first content even more heavily. https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2022/08/helpful-content-update


    Will Veazey
    Search Engine Journal is stating the following. (Google is rolling out a sitewide algorithm update called the (Helpful Content Update). Click following link that leads you to information. Provided courtesy of Search Engine Journal about the Google, (Helpful Content Update). https://bit.ly/3pwNKcm
    Ivan Ralic
    In my opinion this is great 😄 Google will always try to reward high quality content, so going with the hacks (as they've mentioned in this update) will eventually push you down or even get you banned. Going against thousands of engineers and trying to hack them might win the sprint, but we are running a marathon 😅
    Will Veazey
    @ralic Google has rewarded your above comment has high quality. Which in fact you can see proof with a simple click on the following link: https://bit.ly/3QTyAts
    Madeleine Lamou
    Thanks for sharing! I think this is great and they're heading in the right direction. We'll see how it works in reality when it gets rolled out, but at first glance, the guidelines make sense and I personally totally support this update. Yes to everything more human and meaningful 🙌🏽
    Sandra Idjoski
    @madomadeleine Completely agree! I'm really excited to see how it's put to practice too. It will be an interesting shift in the way content is approached for sure.
    Phillip Stemann 🚀 Planzer.io
    I love it, it will just mean more qualified search results. And all those reviews where the person has never tried the product will slowly fade away. But let's see, Google often show these updates, and then the changes are minimal. Crossing my fingers though! People who has create genuine content, has nothing to fear 🙌
    Sandra Idjoski
    @phillipstemann I kind of feel like they've been going in this direction for some time, but now decided to make it official. I'm hoping that means there really will be a change, but we'll just have to wait and see I guess. 😄
    Will Veazey
    @phillipstemann: I love it too because, your comment, was published number one., above several thousand website listings. You can see proof, with a click on the following link. https://bit.ly/3T5igYv
    Will Veazey
    @phillipstemann and others will see this comment and proof changes have already begun. First, you will see proof of your above comment, published by Google, currently ranked 08/20/2022. Second, your above comments have a ranking of (Number One, Page one). Third, your comments have been published by Google above "several hundred thousand website listings).
    Scott Kosmach
    TLDR version: Google is releasing an update that will better reward content that is satisfying to users and penalize content that is not. Content that is created primarily for search engines is not likely to perform well. Content that is created for humans, with an intended audience in mind, is more likely to be successful. The update will start rolling out next week and will be fully rolled out in two weeks.
    Mayank Jain
    Hey Sandra, we are in this space and this is a great update from Google. With recent rise of AI writing platforms, people are creating and spinning content without adding value. This is an important step to ensure people use new-age technologies to create high-quality content rather flooding the web with repeated stuff.
    Sandra Idjoski
    @mjain_mayank Completely agree. When creating valuable content, I feel that we as founders/content creators are also learning about our audience, our industry, and the problems that are out there.
    Will Veazey
    @mjain_mayank @sandra_idjoski: When creating valuable content. This is who you may need to contact regarding "how to correctly search for where to find" what you need. When you want to know why and how to. Correctly, create valuable content. Be sure you click on content without quotes). https://bit.ly/3T7CEsb
    Will Veazey
    @mjain_mayank: You are correct in saying that people are creating and spinning content without adding value. However, a snippet from your comment, is shown below. And is exactly what got the attention of Google. (Helpful Content Update). You and others can see proof of how quickly it was published (Page One, Number One) above millions of website listings.. Also, notice how many days have passed. Since it was published by the creator. The number of days are currently shown in upper left hand corner of the top search engine, search engine results page listing. Simply, click on the link you see below to see proof of what is mentioned above.. This is an important step to ensure people use new-age technologies to create high-quality content rather flooding the web with repeated stuff. https://bit.ly/3T1Yg9c
    Will Veazey
    In a nutshell. The headline, (What are your thoughts on Google's helpful content update that's coming?) First, notice how quickly the above headline was published (Number Two on Page One. And it is ahead of several billion website listings. Google is currently showing, 08/20/2022, how many days It has been. Since the heading, mentioned above, was published by Google, After being published here on Product Hunt. Simply click the following link to see proof of what is stated above. And how Google will reward content it considers to be helpful. https://bit.ly/3PD9TAo
    Kelly Storms
    @abco_specialties Wow! Will that was a nice Unique Search you did. I have something for you to look at. HEAVY TRAFFIC, and I just hit one too. Results (250,000,000,000) 7 ADS. Here it comes, and a featured snippet. BOOOM! It's a great month, "You want to know Why you need To Click Or Not To Click ADVANCED UNIQUE SEARCH". https://go.clickonetogetit.com/U... Oh I know without a doubt we will have a hundred users for "Backspace" if Jerry was not there? I would have dropped one of my affiliate links. Ha, ha, ha, ha. I know that we are here to help, and learn. Will you and Jerry have really been so patient with Rose and I, We just wanna say thank you. It is not easy by any means to be coaching people what you do, and love so much. I don't wanna start crying, so let's get back to work.
    Will Veazey
    @kelly_storms Thank you Rose we appreciate your compliment.
    I think this is great from both perspectives (users vs creators). I hope fewer people now will focus on creating AI written content optimized for search engines and start delivering unique and valuable content instead. I also put together some more tips on Google's latest update here: https://www.marketingminer.com/e...
    Sandra Idjoski
    @ivet149 Thank you for sharing Iveta. I fully agree that knowing our audience and producing original content that showcases expertise is the best way.
    Kelly Storms
    Kelly Team Click One Mrs. Sandra Idjoski, WE RANKED ON A CLICK OPTIMIZER SEARCH RESULT. Your question and my comment, got ranked on a search isn't that awesome? you can email me, and then I can send you a screenshot of what I'm talking about. It's very exciting, I don't get them very often but when I do I save them because it's something very hard to do. This is my third one. I just seen it so I wanted to let you know that your question made it in a search. congratulations
    Amanda Trincher
    This is good news and will help give users better answers to their questions. I also like the prospect of encouraging good content. Now there are articles that can more easily explain how to achieve results, according to Blake Akers, for example, and his guide helps you get more