What are your strongest skills as an entrepreneur?

I am not so sure if I am an entrepreneur in the exact sense, but I consider that one of my strongest skills is to start with something. I think I'm a good kicker. ๐Ÿ˜€


Olena Bomko
I think it's a good quality! I'm very stubborn :)))
Matej Cabadaj
I think I share the "kicker/kick offer" with you โšฝ๏ธ (even though I am more of a hockey guy) + persistence/dedication (but that is something I know you have as well!)
Pavel Dovhomilja
That is a good starting point. Add execution and consistency and that's it.
Abdullah Kaludi
Starting something is a crucial skill in entrepreneurship, so you're definitely on the right track! Being a "good kicker" is essentialโ€”it takes courage and initiative to get things off the ground. Keep harnessing that energy and drive, and who knows where your entrepreneurial journey will take you! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜€
Business Marketing with Nika
@abdullahkaludi hahaha yes, I would be also that one who is able to complete things not only to start :DD