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  • What are your Monday morning ritual to keep you focused and motivated?

    Ankur Singh
    54 replies
    Sometimes it's hard to get to your 100% and get back to where you left after the weekend.


    Coffee, maybe a light breakfast; read an article from the FT outside.
    Shubham Pratap Singh
    It's really hard to leave that weekend comfort and start the work but reminding ourself the end result of the hard work we are doing will keep us motivated.
    Rishika Shidling
    To wake up with a motive and a to-do list for the following day. Deep breathing, yoga and meditation always helps. Also, taking a short walk in nature and hearing the birds chirping calms my soul. Later, having a strong cup of caffeine and a delicious breakfast uplifts my mood always making me feel energetic. Practising gratitude is the best way to keep someone focused and positive.
    Olatz Urrutia
    1st thing meditate or pilates to start the day focused, 2nd to do a summary of last weeks achievements, 3rd to do list for this week, 4th complete the KPIs, 5th team meeting to organize the week and that'd be it!
    Carmela Padasas
    After seeing email notifications, new followers, and replies to my DMs from the weekend.
    Guillaume Sá
    - Walk to the office - 5 minutes of meditation to calm & kickstart the day - Coffee x2 - Review my weekly tasks - Write tasks for the day - Go through emails & other tasks - Do other 20 minutes routine - Be all set when the first person gets in the office
    Deniz Can Ilgın
    I do the easiest thing at first. Completing tasks -even though they are small- motivates me and go through the track quickly.
    To start my day with contrast shower and a hearty breakfast
    Ryan Ong
    Hey buddy - I don't normally cut between weekdays and weekends but it all starts on Sunday evening when I do my weekly reflection and some initial planning for the week ahead. Having said that, my daily morning ritual has four habits: 1. Journal for 5 minutes 2. Read for 45 minutes - 1 hour 3. Workout for 1 - 1.5 hours 4. Think and Synthesise for 5 - 10 minutes If I start my morning like this, I would feel a strong momentum heading into 9am workflow.
    Anna Chen
    There will be a series of to-do lists, and there is no better way to do it.
    Kulsoom Awan
    - Dress nicely and have a good cup of coffee
    I used to be so bad as monday mornings Always getting up late and missing the day Now I love monday mornings - Wake up early - Cold shower - Have my coffee - Revise why I do what I do - Then I get into my workload If you would like to chat more feel free to reach out
    @asaskevich Are you really living if there is no coffee? My happy addiction
    Aliaksei Saskevich
    @heynigee yes, I found some researches that coffee in the morning leads to more tired state not only in the evening but already on midday...
    @asaskevich You most likely are right. Sometimes knowing its bad for you and doing anyways is apart of the fun lol
    Sherry Xena
    Have a cup of coffee and review the work of last week
    Alexis Khvatov
    Monday mornings can be tough, but that doesn't mean we don't have to hit the ground running. I try to stay focused and motivated by starting the morning with a few positive affirmations, setting achievable goals for the day and an energizing cup of coffee. Additionally, I listen to my favorite music or some inspiring words from my favorite Tony Robbins audiobook. This has been essential in helping me get fired up on Mondays so I can make the most out of the day!
    Richard Gao
    Really, to stay consistent, your "Monday" routine should be your every day routine That's the case with me at least. My ritual is just to get up at the same time and eat breakfast to get ready for work
    Anoir Houmou
    Wake up early, have a coffee, make a to-do list and start my day!
    Cup of coffee, good breakfast and implementing Ivy Lee Method to stay on top of my tasks :)
    Jay Song
    I find that starting my day, especially on a Monday, by reading a book is really helpful in keeping my focus on the things that matter throughout the day.
    For me, nothing beats a strong cup of coffee and a quick workout to get my blood flowing on Monday mornings. I also take a few minutes to review my to-do list and prioritize my tasks for the week. What about you? Do you have any Monday morning rituals that keep you motivated and focused?
    Neil Roy
    It can be super difficult to squeeze sometime on Monday, but I try to get around 30 mins of power yoga done. Post that, on my way to work, I listen to Brain.fm which keeps me in the "Flow" state.