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  • What are your long-term career goals?

    Udayraj Parmar
    31 replies
    Answer: My long-term career goal is to continue growing and developing as a professional in my field, while making a positive impact on my organization and society as a whole. About you?


    Igor Pavlov
    Continuing building great products and enhancing software engineering, management and social skills.
    Judy Mitchell
    My long-term goal for my job is to keep learning and getting better at what I do while also making a positive difference in the world through my work. I want to become a leader one day so I can help other people reach their goals by inspiring and guiding them.
    Nuno Reis
    To build companies that can change the world in a positive way! I don't care for titles, CTO, CEO, CXX, as long as I'm building companies that are profitable and have a positive impact I will be happy! :D And to make sure those companies develop the professionals that in the future will do the same. So we compound on impact ;)
    Prithvi Raj
    Always want to build something, don't really care in the end as long as I am waking up without worry and enjoying my work
    Rishabh R
    To do what I love and make money doing the same
    Aybuke Özbek
    The idea of long-term career goals quite scares me. So what is important for me is always trying to improve myself, I believe that this will bring me the most satisfaction and will automatically reflect in my career
    To start something of my own
    Sophia Büttgen
    I would love to keep growing as a person, learning new things everyday and maybe some day starting my own thing.🤟 I love all the answers that have been written here and they sum up pretty much everything, that i'm also wishing for me. I just want to build something meaningful and wake up everyday without worries and pure love for what i do.❤️
    Igor Lysenko
    I want to improve my project so that people need it and be useful to them. I really hope this will happen in the future. And I will work for it. Grow and invaders is my primary task, because without it there would be no company.
    Akshat Jain
    Just keep learning and making cool stuff ;)
    A startup maybe
    Zekiye Nur Kesici
    Unfortunately, I can't think of them as long-term goals; rather, I'm planning my "now". I'm working on "What can I do to be better at my work?"
    Richard Gao
    My goals are similar too yours. I want to further develop my career but continue to work on many of my own projects
    Shantanu Bhosale
    To become financially independent and create amazing products that people would like to use!
    Helen Fedulova
    Alconost Localization
    Stay productive and insightful while gaining less stress might be a key to producing more value for the team and more joy to yourself. The idea of a perfect balance and stable performance will get you further than the idea of disrupting something and growth-hacking everything barely not burning out, I believe
    André J
    To always be relevant
    Gibril Longmene
    Create more project of mine and if possible work with a large team so i can continue to grow learning from others