What are your Goals for this Week?

Maxwell Davis
91 replies
Mine are: - Hire a developer for my Twitch Project - Finish the MVP for 30 Days to Launch


Good luck with your search for a dev and MVP Launch! My goals are to finish all the tasks by Friday so I can enjoy the beach :D
Sven Radavics
Pitch 50 businesses for fractional services Reach out to 50 prospective investors Stay married
@sven_radavics What's the first one about? I have the same "Stay Married" goal 😂
Amparo Diaz
Launch fractional services Pitch 23 businesses on fractional services
Alec Nguyen
get #1 Product of the day. Your support would be awesome.
Make it to Friday.
Andrew Diete-Koki
@theterminalguy I recently started working on archiving useful tools and resources for creatives and teams. See it here: www.norru.app
Kevin Lu
1. Raising the D1R and D7R number 2. Submit our product to PH
@dot_brand DR1 and D7R number? What's that?
Kevin Lu
@maxwellcdavis The day 1 retention rate and the day 7 retention rate are the metric that reflects your product's onboarding experience and Aha moment~
Get consistent with my Linkedin content
Launch Hirevire.com on Product Hunt tomorrow 🎉 Send out our regular email update Write posts for slack groups, IH and HN Write changelog entries for the AI transcriptions update. Start building out a Notion knowlegde base
Igor Lysenko
Complete with the team those tasks that were planned last week.
Buse Kara
Managing well the PH launching process. :)
Sandy Kong
-Lauched EmailGPT https://www.producthunt.com/post... -Get the first paid customer conversion Please support us guys🚀
I have watched Goal Guys's video on Andrew Huberman Morning Routine, and will try to do those habits this week. Here is the link if anyone is interested:
@deluar_001 Taking any specific steps to do so?
Axel Borry
Being the #1 Product of the day tomorrow will be incredible. But without your support, it's impossible 🤩🚀
Emma Jensen
Get as many backlinks as possible
Simon Peter Damian
Outbound sales; cold outreach mostly
Brayden Chinner
My goal is not to miss sports, because there is a vacation ahead and I need to be fit:)
Making my first launch product to 100 upvoted
Bunyamin Duduk
A better view of what I want to reach with the product I am working on Staying healthy and fit :)