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  • What are your goals for 2023 and how do you plan to achieve them?

    Alessandra Mikail
    9 replies
    One of my main goals is to spend more time on my hobbies, I would love to hear what your goals are for 2023!


    Joan Mateo Duarte 🚀
    Getting funding for DL3ARN and starting a new sport. The key to success is planning and being perseverant!
    Shon Paunan
    I plan to be more meticulous and observant in order to plan my move accurately.
    Alessandra Mikail
    @sharon_paunan always a great skill to have 👌
    Joyce Cabrera
    One of my personal goals is to lose the weight I've gained over the course of the pandemic. I used to have a really good metabolism pre-pandemic and didn't really gain weight but since the pandemic and I had to transition to permanent remote work, eating became a past-time for me. I also have a few snacks with me while I work so scrapped all of those. Already signed up for the local gym. Not waiting for the holidays to be over otherwise, I might lose focus.
    Alessandra Mikail
    @joreomonster best of luck with your journey, you'll accomplish anything you want if you stick your mind to it, plus you're already taking the steps in the right direction 💪
    Joyce Cabrera
    @alessmkl Thank you! Cheers to our 2023 journeys!
    Ozio Media
    Doing more in the automation space. Looking forward to working with clients in ML/AI applications.