What are your favorite ways of learning how to use a new tool?

12 replies
Unfortunately, there is no multiple choice option in the poll, but you can comment below, if you have more than one favorite way to learn new tools. Please also tell me why and if it is anyhow relevant or related to your company and industry. :)


Laurie Hérault
How to article and video tutorials. In app tutorials are hell for power-users :p
Laurie Hérault
@santalo yes, as a developer i master very fast every UI. So I skip onboarding tutorial for discover myself the app. But in a few apps we can’t skip the tutorial and I hate this.
@laurieherault Thanks for your input! :) Can you expand on your last statement, please?
@laurieherault Thanks, it makes more sense for me now.
Binay Singh
I prefer mostly in-app help guides and documentation.
@binay_singh2 Thanks for your input! :)
Krishna Kumar
Video tutorials any day. Followed by how to articles
@kkumarkg Thanks for your input! :)
@jason_andries1 Thanks for your input! :) Very relatable.
Joan Mateo Duarte 🚀
Video tutorials from the app or on youtube.
@joanduarte Thanks for your input! :)