What are your favorite products you found on Product Hunt recently?

Sharath Kuruganty
36 replies


Carlo Thissen
Found that Rita by @gullisc was one of the products that had the biggest impact on me here. They gave me full visibility over which kind of data about me is tracked by whom. Easy templates allow it to contact privacy departments of the data collectors with a simple click of a button. Absolutely fundamental value proposition. You can find the product here: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Found Fructify today. A chrome extension that shows you your tasks and helps you be more productive. Really well built.
Daniel Akan
Definitely Dewey. Great alternative to Twitter blue.
Soo many 😻 But for someone who likes to read a lot of articles, it has to be Definer! Have been using it for just 2 days but I'm already in love with it. Why to open another tab if the work can be done in the same window? Right, @rokka? 😉
Janella Mcfadden
Mostly the integrating apps.
Carlo Thissen
@janella_mcfadden I believe every serious productivity app can't go around this topic. Do you have any favourite ones?
Charlie Wright
Definitely Sizigi, quality digital platform that makes the job search so much easier and less stressful! Here's a link if you want to try it out: https://go.joinsizigi.com/charli...
Chris Inman
Love vlc remote app...works great with home media server i have, lots of great vids I can share anywhere.
Mayank Mishra
Rocketlane! excelent product for customer onboarding. Rocketlane
Christoph Paterok
One of my favourites in the last month: Tweek
Maahin Puri
Found Kin Habits really cool
Ruben Wolff
unloved. for travel, compairbnb and chatterbug