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  • What are your expectations in an EV companion app?

    I’m working on a few UIs and scenarios for an EV companion app and looking for some insight from the community. As a driver or potential driver of an electric vehicle, when you first download a companion app, what are the top three features you would expect to see that would make your EV experience more convenient and enjoyable? Please explain why you chose these features.


    Is this for finding charging stations or to understand the state of my EV?
    @tgsketch hmmm i don't really understand. i own an EV and not sure why i'd want a companion app. I own a Tesla and have considered using the Tessie app -- are you thinking of something like that?
    @entreeden Yes, that is Tesla’s companion app. For me, I’d like to see a diagnostics section of the app that can tell me if something is wrong, in simple terms, and give an option to schedule a maintenance. Something like that. What would you expect to see, if you did download the Tessie app?
    @tgsketch ah, ok i understand now! i think info about the battery degradation and maintenance would be cool
    Shajedul Karim
    congrats on transgram! here's some simple stuff: tell your friends, post on social media, maybe a countdown to build hype. on product hunt, be active. comment, upvote, get involved. when you launch, share your story - why you made it, what's special about it. ask for thoughts, not just upvotes. people like giving their two cents. remember, it's a long game. keep the buzz alive even after launch day. what's your strategy for a big launch? would love to hear it!
    Tech & Product with Shashi Kiran
    For me it should tell ways to increase efficiency