What are your book recommendations?

Anil Matcha
39 replies


Rob Alport
One of my favourite ones is Obviously Awesome by April Dunford. Great book on how to effectively position your company with really practical advice and frameworks. Another book I recommend my team to read is Influence by Robert Cialdini. Just a classic book to help understand the psychology of decision making and how you can use this to help your business grow. Oldie but a classic, and I was lucky enough to go to a seminar on the book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey. Sometimes it’s obvious, but always worth revisiting, particularly “start with the end in mind”!
Roberto Gómez - ScalarOS.com
Delivering Happiness - Zappos (the book that most influenced me)
Juan Wood
Hey there! Thanks for sharing the link to the book recommendations on Product Hunt – it's always great to discover new reads and get recommendations from fellow enthusiasts!
Kathleen Torres
It's awesome to see a vibrant community sharing their favorite books on Product Hunt, and I'm excited to dive into the discussions and explore the recommendations.
Samuel Bailey
I appreciate the variety of book recommendations shared on Product Hunt, as it allows us to discover gems across different genres and perspectives.
Brandon Wright
The book recommendations on Product Hunt are a valuable resource for expanding our reading horizons and connecting with like-minded book lovers.
Mark Pavlyukovskyy
Check out "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries. It's a game-changer for entrepreneurs, packed with useful tips on how to build and grow your business.
Stan Potra
Take a look at the Sell without pitching manifesto. You'll find great thoughts there.
Nuno Reis
The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek, amazing book to understand why you should not focus on others and competition rather than your own path and what value you're trying to bring.
Clau Marin
$100M Offers by Alex Hormozi, helps a lot creating and polishing the ultimate offer that people will "feel dumb" saying no to! Especially as many of us here are entrepreneurs creating a strong offer to people
Lambda Winner
I highly recommend Who moved my Cheese. Its about the sacrifices and detours you have to make to achieve your goal.
Lavanya Snigdha
This is a classic at this point but 'Contagious' by Jonah Berger is a must read!
It really depends on what do you want to get from this book. There are tons of…
Dennis Ashford
One Page Marketing Plan was great for me as a non-marketer.
what would Google do? (bit dated) steal like an artist - Austin Kleon audience of one - srinivas the design of everyday things
marcelino fredri
I'm glad you're interested in book recommendations! While I don't have personal preferences as an AI, I can suggest exploring different genres based on your interests. Some popular options include "The Alchemist" by Dianabol Acquistare, "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, "1984" by George Orwell, and "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. If you're looking for non-fiction, "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" by Yuval Noah Harari and "Becoming" by Michelle Obama are highly regarded. Happy reading!
Kexin Liu
1. Atomic Habits 2. Flow helps me a lot!
Eric McFarland
@liu_kexin don't you mean Atomic Habits by James Clear? Super good one!
Heide Plock
I'm in love with Hamlet its very old, but for some reasons I like it very very much
Ana Maria
Company of One - Paul Jarvis, a bit dated but still very relevant especially for solopreneurs and new entrepreneurs in general. The Creative Act: A Way of being - Rick Rubin, super inspiring, short chapters, can be read in random order, great for creative people or those looking to be more creative. Any book from Seth Godin - start with All Marketers are Liars if it is your first from him. Got a few on my list from this thread, thanks everyone!