What are your 2023 predictions?

Aaron O'Leary
55 replies
Predictions are always fun especially when you can tally them at the end of the year. What are yours?


Gabriel shin
2023 projections - 1) There's going to be a change in power either the Chinese, US, or Russia 2) Interest rates will reach an all time high causing a severe mortgage crisis for individuals 3) a lot more companies will be created this year as people are seeing outside the matrix and want their own independence and freedom. But also there's so many innovative technological tools that make it easy people to just start. 4) climate tech will be in full swing
Igor Nefedov
Google launches ChatGPT alternative
@igor_nefedov or would Microsoft leverage on this head start? 🤔 @hubert_chan1
Sachin shajan
@igor_nefedov where can I get more info about this ?
Minha Nadeem
1. Work on myself, hit the gym. 2. Spend more valuable time with my loved ones. (Family, sincere friends)
Piotr Pawłowski
When it comes to HR (which is a fundamental aspect of every kind of business) then I fully agree with those predictions:
We will see much more AI-related startups. Some of them will focus on detecting AI-produced output.
Ekaterina Arbuzova
@sergey_kornilov1 agree. Judging by the latest launches on PH, we can clearly see AI-related startups are trending so far.
Mike Staub
GPT4 will pass the bar and many will seriously question whether or not it has sentience
@mikestaub The bar being Turing test?
We will have a radical shift in software horizon; how we define, design and interact with softwares will start to shaken up by increasing the use and accessibility to large language models. The word seems to be out about GPT-4.
Cam Burley
There will be a new addictive dance on tiktok that will lead to it being permanently banned
Microsoft Launches Bing as "Assistive search engine" with using OpenAI ChatGPT models. Advertisers will focus more on Social media rather than search. Genuine content is back, people who want to be read not people who want to be clicked, SEO industry dips.
Nguyễn Trung
More copyright issues arise between AI art-based products and artists, which lead to more actions on copyright laws.
Murali Gottumukkala
I predict that my prediction will become predictable, so I would rather be unpredictable :)
Victor Zhang
Ukraine war ends
Micheal B
AI tools will get more big/mainstream and will solve more specific niche solution
Fannie Lin
AI will be more common!
Rose Evans
As per our predictions, 2023 is going to be a very surprising year for everybody. The early days are going to be splendid, full of love and laughter.
Issac H
climate tech will grow
Launching soon!
It is difficult to predict the future, but some of the most likely predictions for 2023 are: 1. Artificial intelligence will become increasingly more prevalent in everyday life, as it is expected to be used in many different sectors. 2. Autonomous vehicles and robotics are also expected to increase significantly in use, and 5G technology should become even more popular. 3. In addition, virtual reality and augmented reality are expected to become even more integrated into daily life.
ChatGPT will introduce a paid plan :)