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  • What are you doing to calm down after working long hours?

    Marvin Mändle
    26 replies
    I usually do some sports or go for a walk. In my opinion relaxing is so important for a healthy work-life-balance.


    Netflix, chill aaaaaand nap
    Marvin Mändle
    @mho22 a good series is detox!
    Marvin Mändle
    @anliamets Nice one! Also want to try it, when I quit hockey. I think it's a really good training and you're also getting more confidence
    Sam DRISSI
    Hey @marvin_maendle, fantastic question! Entrepreneurship can be overwhelming; I've experienced 2 burnouts myself. The key lesson? Slow down and establish a solid morning routine. For me, that means starting at 5:30 AM with meditation, workout, breath work, and sauna. At night, I go screen-free an hour before bed, often drawing with my daughter or reading her a story. These activities, along with a calming tisane, truly help me unwind. 😊
    Marvin Mändle
    @sam_drissi sounds like you're fine again after your 2 burnouts, respect! I also meditate in the morning or go for a short walk. Sauna sounds really nice. I hear that for the first time in the morning, are you from Finland.. ;D? I think mental health is getting more and more relevance if you compare it to the generations before us and this is so nice to see!
    Ashley from Shadow
    Everyone out here is getting active while I nuzzle my dog...hmmm
    Marvin Mändle
    @ashley_from_shadow to nuzzle a dog is in my opinion a moment, where I can totally relax and getting energy from. I think, you don't always have to get active to charge your body battery and do something for your mental health!
    Martin Schumacher
    Sports in my opinion is the best way to calm down after a stressful working day. But in my case, I go home and play video games or play music.
    Marvin Mändle
    @mighty_muddy cool, what instrument are you playing or do you listen to music?
    Igor Lysenko
    Mostly I think with a cup of tea, in some beautiful place. I usually go outside and think about my problems.
    Artyom Sviridov
    Evening walks, reading & listening to music.
    Marvin Mändle
    @sviridov walks are always a good choice to calm down!
    Apoorva Goel
    I love doing my favorite thing i.e., just sitting alone with tea and enjoying my time and sometimes I do meditation. Mostly I love doing my favorite thing which is painting.
    Maria Polesh
    On weekends, I go for a forest walk to unwind after long hours of work.
    Praneet chandra
    Meditation and Gym.. Try https://www.freemeditation.com/ It has helped me immensely during my tough period.
    Marc Andre
    Relaxing with family, getting outdoors, or playing video games
    Anna Sazonova
    Sleeping obviously 😂
    Marvin Mändle
    @szznv I also need my 8 hours of sleep!
    After long hours at GK Dental, I unwind by practicing mindfulness techniques like deep breathing or taking short walks. These activities help me relax and rejuvenate, ensuring I maintain a healthy work-life balance while providing quality dental care.
    Marvin Mändle
    @sehrish_rasool1 sounds like a perfect work-life-balance!
    emma walker
    I go to the gym or take magnesium before bed I found a good one here Online Pharmacy, and I also try not to sit on the phone an hour before going to bed, and I can just read a book, then the nervous system rests more
    Marvin Mändle
    @emma_walker7 nice, Gym is so good to get the brain free after work!