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  • What are three things you want to do in your life?

    Rahul Parmar
    8 replies
    I want to travel the world and capture its beauty through photography. I'm passionate about learning new things and continuously expanding my knowledge. Starting a business is one of my key goals. I believe in the power of creativity and innovation. These are the things that drive me every day.


    Benedicta Anita
    I will learn things about technology, and be able to create a digital product. Then I also want to travel abroad to experience the atmosphere in other countries and lastly, maybe I will try what healthy food is.
    Rahul Parmar
    @caca_charlotte That sounds great! Learning tech to create something, traveling abroad for new experiences, and trying healthy food – all exciting goals! Best of luck!
    Oyinkansola Robiat
    I want to be wealthy, i want to be able to afford all the goods things life has to offer, i want to travel round the world and also to maintain a healthy life, so help me God!
    Rahul Parmar
    @oyinkansola_robiat Those are amazing ambitions! Wishing you all the best in achieving wealth, enjoying life’s good things, traveling the world, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You've got this!
    Alexander Galitsky
    Sleep. Eat. Laugh.
    Rahul Parmar
    @ag94 Sounds like the essentials are covered! 😄 But beyond that, what's something you'd love to achieve or experience in life? I'm curious about the bigger dreams!
    Evelyn Rose Sinclair
    1. Definitely want to travel the world and experience different cultures and cuisines firsthand! 2. Launch my own tech startup and create an innovative product that improves people's lives. 3. Master a sport or hobby I'm passionate about, whether that's snowboarding, rock climbing, or anything else that gets me excited to keep learning and improving.
    Rahul Parmar
    @evelynrosesinclair Those are amazing goals! Traveling, launching a tech startup, and mastering a sport or hobby will bring incredible experiences and growth. Go for it!