What are the top challenges you face in digital marketing today?

Hamza Afzal Butt
48 replies
Keeping up with algorithm changes and managing cross-channel consistency are big challenges for me. What are the biggest obstacles you encounter in digital marketing, and how do you overcome them?


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Iris Matt
Navigating constant algorithm updates and maintaining consistant cross-channel messaging are major challenges, tackled through continuous learning and adaptive strategies.
Steffi Nicolaïdes
@iris_matt I see exactly what you mean! Linkedin algorithm for example is tough these days If you want I'm asking to the community (a poll on my profile) if they want to create a group (whatsapp or slack) to share on marketing tips. That would be very helpful I think for all of us!
jusiy Waller
I never care about the algorithm, it just that I do it what I likes to do and sometimes I got penalized too its fine. Everything is a part of learning...
Cedric Mathias
I think constantly generating marketing ideas and stay up to date has to be one of the major challenge in digital marketing today.
Steffi Nicolaïdes
@cedric_mathias yeah that would be one of our biggest challenge as a marketer. To always be creative, for the same message. If you want I'm asking to the community (a poll on my profile) if they want to create a group (whatsapp or slack) to share on marketing tips. That would be very helpful I think for all of us!
Business Marketing with Nika
In terms of community and nurturing it on social media – bots. It is shifting to automatisation which makes sense to make processes easier for companies, but it is losing the aspect of "socialising" which is the main purpose of SM. And less "human touch" can cause less trust.
@busmark_w_nika Interesting point. What is your opinion in this regard? Let's say you can change everything, would you do it?
Business Marketing with Nika
@hamza_afzal_butt Personally, I wouldn't use automation for interacting with people – even on customer support I feel like only the number. But I cannot resist progress. So probably won't be able to answer everything but at least, I can pick those in "proven" people and interact with them.
Alex Hammerschmied
@busmark_w_nika if you know how to do it, automated support is the best. Look what Amazon did with customer support in the last year. They turned it around 100%. Now it’s fast, friendly and competent. And in most cases: an ai agent
Business Marketing with Nika
@alexhammerschmied automatization at customer support – okay – but engaging on social media for the suck of comment as much as possible. Social media are about being social.
Alex Hammerschmied
@busmark_w_nika i 100% agree with you regarding comments and social interactions. I think social media is not social anymore if we automate these. Then they are only media.
Brian Perez
Tracking ROI across multiple platforms is challenging. I use comprehensive analytics tools and regularly review metrics to adjust my strategies.
Steffi Nicolaïdes
@perez_brian yeah that's really tough! And especially in B2B business I feel. That's why I tried for months with my friend-associate to see if we could build something which could make us see the impacts on our marketing actions. And we did, with Mayze.io If you want, I can create an account with you, do not hesitate :)
synthia korir
Managing a consistent brand voice across different channels can be tough. I ensure consistency by developing detailed brand guidelines and conducting regular training sessions for my team to keep everyone aligned.
Prem Saini
I feel cutting through so much noise that is happening already has to be my biggest challenge. With so much content online, standing out has become difficult.
CY Zhou
One of the biggest challenges in digital marketing today is staying ahead of constantly changing algorithms and trends. Additionally, effectively targeting and engaging a diverse audience across multiple platforms can be quite demanding.
Steffi Nicolaïdes
@lightfield And to always have to be creative for the same message. If you want I'm asking to the community (a poll on my profile) if they want to create a group (whatsapp or slack) to share on marketing tips. That would be very helpful I think.
Creating content that is of relevance and quality while being suitable for different type of platforms.
Steffi Nicolaïdes
@vaibhavdwivedi I feel you! If you want I'm asking to the community if they want to create a group (whatsapp or slack) to share on marketing tips. That would be very helpful I think.
Marina Morris
Maintaining consistent messaging across multiple channels can feel like juggling while riding a rollercoaster!
Steffi Nicolaïdes
@marina_morris I created a poll to create a group on sharing marketing tips if you want to look at it! https://www.producthunt.com/disc...
Hakim Zerhouni
One of the biggest challenges I face in digital marketing is generating consistent and high-quality content that engages our audience. To overcome this, I use a content calendar to plan ahead and ensure a steady flow of posts.
Steffi Nicolaïdes
@hakz well done on the content calendar! It's so difficult to follow it sometimes on my part! If you want I'm asking to the community (a poll on my profile) if they want to create a group (whatsapp or slack) to share on marketing tips. That would be very helpful I think for all of us!
Clayton Walker
@hakz It make me so happy to see founders using social media strategies and content calendars, I’m such a nerd lol. I’ve managed clients social accounts for years and can say with 100% certainty creating and following a strategy will always get your further than unplanned posting. A. It gets you to think about your feed as a whole and how one post will compliment another. B. Branding is much more consistent. Most of the time people sit down and do their calendar in one sitting - so they’re thinking about it all at once and naturally the content is aligned. C. You already have your plan in place so you aren’t scrambling to get a post up day of. The planning is something I personally struggle with - which is what inspired us to create Respired.io - the product we’re launching tomorrow. Unlike other tools in the space we focus on assisting the user come up with relevant ideas and copy specific to their business due to an indepth analysis of the brand’s online presence performed during onboarding. It saves me so much time. We just recently implemented some new features to improve consistency in maintaining brand voice across different platforms that make things even easier. Sorry for hopping into your spotlight, you seem interested in the topic and I love sharing what I’m working on. Would love to hear your feedback on the product - check it out tomorrow :)
My3 Murthy
Two problems: (they are kinda intertwined) 1. Dark social/attribution: We never have the full view of the user discovery process. When did they first come in contact with our brand? at what point did they warm up to our brand & identify the need in their day-to-day life, what pushed them over the edge to booking that demo or signing up to that offer? 2. Social presence & how unscalable social selling is: Building a brand & engaging in conversations works wonders- but the main problem is fighting the algorithm. Every time I go online- I want to see content that is relevant to me. But here I am, trying to parse out posts & conversations that interest me. its painful
Haris Morris
One major challenge is keeping up with the constant changes in algorithms and policies on platforms like Google and Facebook. These updates can significantly impact campaign performance and require continuous learning and adaptation.
Hazel Mathew
With the increasing concerns about data privacy, navigating regulations like GDPR and CCPA is a significant challenge. Ensuring compliance while still being able to target and personalize marketing efforts effectively can be difficult.
aliza beth
Measuring ROI accurately remains a tough task. With multiple touchpoints and channels involved in a customer’s journey, attributing sales and conversions to the right source is complex and often inaccurate.
Mathews Simons
Managing cross-channel campaigns is challenging due to the need for consistent messaging and branding. Ensuring coherence across various platforms while leveraging their unique strengths requires careful planning and execution.
Clayton Walker
@mathews_simons This is something a lot of people struggle with. What do you currently do to stay on brand across platforms? Do you create and follow a strategy?
Dorothy Thompson
Keeping up with technological advancements is another major hurdle. As new tools and platforms emerge, staying updated and proficient in using them effectively is necessary but time-consuming.
Mathews Simons
Engaging and retaining audience attention is increasingly difficult with shorter attention spans. Creating content that is both engaging and informative within a limited timeframe is a constant struggle.
Managing a consistent brand voice across various platforms is tricky, especially with a remote team. We developed comprehensive brand guidelines and use collaborative tools to ensure everyone is aligned.
Clayton Walker
@ja_cob This is difficult, our team has people all over the world and not everyone in a native english speaker. We ran into this difficulty and built out tools to help keep a cohesive brand voice for all of our platforms that every member of our team can utilize. It’s quite cool :)