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  • What are the top 2-3 tips for a successful launch on ProductHunt?

    Odun Odubanjo
    6 replies
    In January, we plan to go public with our product (currently in private beta). We’ve built some really powerful functionalities (imagine doing customer research 20x faster) and seeing great early adoption. I’m wondering how we can get the best awareness on PH at launch.


    Karthik Tatikonda
    Here are my tips Odun 1. Build an audience before the launch 2. leverage social media platforms like Twitter, and LinkedIn and communities like PH, indie hackers and subreddits, 3. If you're a first-timer, launch on weekends Also, I run a newsletter where I interview creators whose products ranked in the top 3 of Product Hunt and share their launch strategies. I feel it might help you. You can check out the interviews here 👇 https://tbbl.launchpedia.co/prod...
    Max Prilutskiy
    Launching soon!
    Here are my top 2-3 tips for a successful launch: Build anticipation for your launch by engaging with the ProductHunt community and sharing sneak peeks of your product before it goes live. This can help generate buzz and interest in your product, which can translate into more visibility and engagement on launch day. Make sure your ProductHunt page is optimized and includes all the necessary information about your product, such as its features, pricing, and benefits. A well-designed and informative page can help attract more attention and interest from potential users. Consider offering special promotions or discounts to ProductHunt users to encourage them to try your product and provide feedback. This can help drive adoption and engagement, as well as generate positive reviews and word-of-mouth buzz. Overall, it's important to engage with the ProductHunt community and provide a compelling and compelling product experience to maximize your chances of success on launch day. By following these really basic tips and staying focused on delivering value to your users, you can set yourself up for a successful launch on ProductHunt.