What are the pros and cons of Business Meeting software?

Austin Nguyen | Afforai
4 replies
I'll start. Microsoft Teams Pros: easy to integrate into Office workflow Cons: buggy when logging in and switchings accounts


Saravanan P
Google Meet and Zoom require a premium account to record the meeting. For that, I am using another screen recording software like Vmaker to record my meetings.
Google meets - Lack of feautes, but 1 hour free
Alec Nguyen
I hate logging in and switch accs with Microsoft.
Alexander Johann Eser
@hungnguyenkhac7 , we are actually developing a solution to have more productive 1:1s and team meetings. Please check zipdo.co - We are launching our MVP soon and if you want to be one of the first users to try it out, please contact me at ajeser[at]zipdo.co or join our waitlist :)