What are the jobs you believe that AI will create in near future?

Eser Çetinkaya
5 replies
I wonder what our near future will be like. Please share your ideas. I especially want to hear more in fintech and security technologies.


Alex Bozhin
It will take away more jobs :)
Eser Çetinkaya
@alexbozhin hi Alex! I cannot be entirely sure about it. Yes new technologies always take some jobs away but they also create more new ones. But it is also a good topic, which jobs do you think that won't exist anymore?
Marie-Philippe Leblanc
This is a fun one: I believe some coders will become Chat-GPT assistant. In which they will code strictly with AI, and verify what it does.
Eser Çetinkaya
@mplebl thank you for sharing your thoughts 😊I think many software engineers alredy get pass through verification stage on their dev processes, where AI models are used. It is unfortunately still a must. But I really wonder what will happen 5 years from now❓