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  • What are the challenges you face when creating or managing digital advertising campaigns?

    Cem Özçelik
    12 replies


    Deciding on the budget of the campaign. Any tips on how to go about it?
    Ishwar Pawar
    Leali - Influencer Marketing Platform
    Leali - Influencer Marketing Platform
    The digital advertising landscape is constantly evolving, with new technologies, platforms, and consumer trends emerging regularly. Keeping up with these changes and adapting strategies accordingly can be a challenge, requiring continuous learning and experimentation.
    Recently we had a challenge posting an ad on LinkedIn about our product because it contained the word Crypto in it.
    Anna Kasumova
    I always try to find how can I change CPM to CPC:)
    Habib Raja
    When creating or managing digital advertising campaigns, challenges include audience targeting, ad fatigue, budget optimization, performance measurement, ad platform complexity, visibility amidst competition, and ad policy compliance. These challenges also apply to the digital advertising campaigns of https://www.jobshabibi.com/, an online job portal connecting job seekers and employers in the MENA region.
    Tuğrul Erbaş
    I was not directly on the advertising side, but I can say that based on the experiences of our customers, we deliver the right digital campaign to the right customer group, and by examining the movement of the customers coming from these campaigns within the product, to understand whether they are paid customers and to make sense of their actions in practice.
    Syed Muhammad Shoaib Iqbal Shah
    One of the challenges is understanding how your target audience will respond to your ads. It is important to create ads that will resonate with your audience, so you need to understand who they are and what they want. Another challenge is staying up to date with the latest trends in digital advertising and ensuring you are using the most effective strategies. Lastly, it can be difficult to measure the success of your campaigns and track ROI.
    Heather Walker
    What are the biggest hurdles you've encountered when it comes to creating and managing successful digital advertising campaigns, and how have you overcome them?
    Tamizharasan GC
    Creating and managing digital advertising campaigns can be challenging, but it is also an exciting and rewarding experience. Some of the challenges that come with this task include setting clear goals and objectives, targeting the right audience, creating compelling ad creative, optimizing campaigns, and complying with regulations. However, if you are able to overcome these challenges, you can create successful campaigns that will help you achieve your marketing goals.
    Kunal Mehta
    As a co-founder in a company, the challenges we face when creating or managing digital advertising campaigns include targeting the right audience, optimizing ad performance, staying within budget constraints, dealing with ad fatigue, and navigating the ever-changing landscape of digital platforms and algorithms. Continuous monitoring and analysis are crucial for successful campaigns.
    Smith Poul
    When creating or managing digital advertising campaigns, several challenges may arise: Audience Targeting: Ensuring precise targeting to reach the right audience can be challenging, especially with diverse customer segments and ever-changing online behaviors. Budget Allocation: Optimizing budget allocation across various platforms and channels can be complex, as each may yield different results and ROI. Ad Fatigue: Keeping ads fresh and engaging while avoiding ad fatigue can be a struggle, as repetitive or irrelevant ads may lead to decreased performance. Ad Placement: Choosing the right ad placements for maximum visibility and effectiveness requires continuous monitoring and adjustments. Ad Performance Tracking: Accurate tracking of ad performance and attributing conversions to specific campaigns can be challenging, particularly with multi-channel campaigns. Ad Creatives: Crafting compelling and visually appealing ad creatives that resonate with the target audience is an ongoing challenge. Ad Compliance: Adhering to platform guidelines and regulations while maintaining creative freedom can sometimes be a balancing act. Ad Testing: Conducting A/B testing and experimentation to optimize ad performance demands meticulous planning and analysis. Seasonal Trends: Navigating seasonal fluctuations and market trends requires adaptability and flexibility in campaign strategies. Data Privacy: Ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations and securing user data can be a critical concern. Overcoming these challenges often requires a combination of strategic thinking, data analysis, continuous optimization, and staying up-to-date with industry best practices. Effective management and collaboration between marketing teams can lead to successful digital advertising campaigns that drive meaningful results. For more information click here.
    Connie R
    When creating or managing digital advertising campaigns, some of the common challenges include targeting the right audience effectively, optimizing ad performance for better ROI, dealing with ad fatigue, and staying up-to-date with constantly changing algorithms and trends on various advertising platforms. Additionally, budget constraints and measuring the campaign's success accurately can also pose challenges. Advertisers must continuously adapt their strategies and utilize data-driven insights to overcome these hurdles and achieve successful outcomes in the competitive digital landscape. For further information you can also visit here.