What are the best tools for doing competitor analysis or research?

daniel roy
3 replies


Hemant Warier
As a marketer, I have found that the best tools for doing competitor analysis or research are a combination of both paid and free resources. First, I always start with Google Search. It may seem basic, but simply typing in the name of a competitor and seeing what comes up in the search results can provide valuable insights. You can see what websites are ranking for their brand name, what content is being shared on social media, and even get a sense of their overall online presence. Next, I use paid tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs to get a more in-depth look at a competitor's SEO and content marketing strategies. These tools provide data on the keywords a competitor is ranking for, the backlinks they have acquired, and even give an overview of their paid advertising efforts. Another great tool for competitor research is social media listening. By setting up alerts for certain keywords or phrases, you can see what people are saying about your competitors and their products or services. This can provide valuable insights into customer sentiment and help you understand what sets your competitor apart. Finally, I always recommend reaching out to industry experts or even past customers of your competitors to get a firsthand perspective. This can be as simple as connecting with people on LinkedIn or joining industry-specific forums and asking for their insights. Overall, the best tools for competitor analysis or research are ones that provide a holistic view of a competitor's presence and strategies. If you're interested in learning more about how to conduct competitor research, I'm happy to share more tips and resources – just send me a message on LinkedIn!
Pankaj Gulati
- Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook Ads are some of the best tools for doing competitor analysis or research. - They allow you to track the performance of your ads and measure the results in terms of clicks, impressions, and conversions. - You can also see which keywords are generating the most leads and sales for your competitors.
Fabian Maume
Similarweb is quite nice. You can start a free trial by singing up with linkedin.