What are the best social media platforms for SaaS startups?

Austin Armstrong
15 replies


Any platform can be the best one. It entirely depends upon your target audience.
Jose Rodríguez
I thing X is the best for SaaS startups. I also use bluesky and mastadon as well
Ghulam Abbas
LinkedIn for B2B X/Twitter for B2C Facebook for C2C
Daksh Tyagi
LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit.
Pablo Rodríguez Aracil
I think for startups the best are X, LinkedIn and you must try Taboola.
X Spaces (audio) is a good way to speak to folks about your product. I know it falls under non-scalable marketing or reach, but it is probably going to be a really good way for small SaaS to get word-of-mouth reach. I host X spaces multiple days each week between 9-11 Am Pacific. Join us in X Spaces and actively discuss your project. It's a great opportunity to share your insights and learn from others. I post links to my spaces here: https://shownotes.app/show/xspaces You can also connect with me on X https://x.com/mjkabir
Hussein Hashish
highly depends on where your paying customer persona resides. in our case, its insta and FB
Gurkaran Singh
When it comes to social media for SaaS startups, platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn are gold mines for networking, engaging with industry experts, and showcasing your unique value proposition. It’s like having the perfect elevator pitch... but in 280 characters or less!
Deshraj Singh
Linkedin is best !
Eli B
Are you looking to advertise or post content? It also depends on the idea of your SaaS!
LinkedIn and Twitter are popular choices for B2B SaaS, while Instagram and Facebook can work for B2C engagement.
Thomas C.
I have a follow-up question on this: Would you try to engage and create/share content as your "brand" or as yourself, the "indie hacker / bootstrapper / CEO".
Austin Armstrong
@thomas_c_2 There's no harm in doing both. I do both all the time. I have my own brand as myself and I have my startup, so I utilize both. Learning to utilize everything you can make use of to help your startup won't hurt at all.