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  • What are the best formats for a resume?

    3 replies
    There are several formats for a resume, but the best one depends on your industry and the job you're applying for. However, some common formats include chronological, functional, and combination resumes. Chronological resumes list your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job. Functional resumes focus on your skills and accomplishments rather than your work history. Combination resumes combine elements of both chronological and functional resumes. ResumeAI is an app that can help you create a customized and professional-looking resume in any of these formats. It uses artificial intelligence to analyze your skills and experience and suggest the best format for your specific needs.


    Olga Pavlova
    As a employer, I prefer resumes which look exactly the same as other resumes. F.e., if everyone else sends plain text — please, avoid PDF. If everyone else sends link to Google Docs — please, avoid personal site. And so on. The reason is, my main headache is to compare resumes. To be compared, they have to have the same format.
    Amanda Trincher
    The resume should be short, 1-2 A4 pages, and structured. Describe in your resume relevant work experience and achievements in numbers, if possible. There are many sites like resume builders that can help you get it right. Also articles like https://www.gotresumebuilder.com... which will help you get some tips
    John Bowen
    In most cases, we create text documents, spreadsheets, presentations and forms in the Google office suite completely independently, completely styling them as we need them. But there are situations when you want to take some ready-made template and create a document based on this template. But I recently found a great templates site modern google docs resume template with photo