What are the best digital design skills to learn?

Lodovico Sella
6 replies
Learning Digital Design is amazing since it is engaging, creative and rewarding. We are building a platform around these categories. But what skills would you like to learn the most in this sphere? I would love to know what you think. I have created a <1min poll that I invite you to answer about the best Digital Design: https://forms.gle/dzBe95iDursLbtbA8 Your answers will be highly appreciated. Thank you! :)


kashaf irfan
I would love to learn Graphic designing.
Lodovico Sella
@kashaf_irfan That's good to know. We are working on something that'll help you learn such skills without investing long hours. I'm sure you'll love it. Here's our landing page: https://www.producthunt.com/upco...
Parker Revers
Not design per se, but how to write concisely and precisely :)
Lodovico Sella
@parker_revers Alright, thanks for sharing. 😊 Did you check out the form?
Software Guy (Aarvy)
@parker_revers That's what I'm learning as well.