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  • What are some of the biggest challenges that you face when trying to manage your time?

    Binay Singh
    15 replies
    Juggling multiple demands and responsibilities can be a difficult task, especially when it comes to time management. What do you think?


    Manan Suri
    The biggest challenge I face with respect to time management is the trade-off between fitting multiple tasks into a time frame vs actually achieving delivering quality over a single task. A way that I have been able to solve this is by focusing on prioritizing. Without making priorities, it is not possible to manage time especially when juggling multiple demands!
    Binay Singh
    @manansuri27 On point. Thanks for sharing this! :)
    Managing your time can be challenging, especially if you're a multi-tasker by nature. The first step is to set goals for the day and week and make a schedule. Then, identify what are the most important tasks that need to be completed in order to meet those goals. Once these tasks are identified, plan how best to complete them within the allocated timeframe. To help you stay on track, use tools like Pomodoro or Stopwatch which allow you to break down long projects into manageable chunks that feel less overwhelming. And finally, once each task has been completed (or as soon as possible), take some time off so that you can relax and recharge your batteries before starting again tomorrow. By following these simple tips, you can better manage your time and achieve more along the way!
    Soumya Chaturvedi
    When it comes to time management, there are a few key challenges that many people face. These include the challenge of getting organized and prioritizing tasks, staying focused during busy periods, and resisting distractions. It can be tough to stick with a plan when things get hectic or something interesting catches our attention, but by following some basic principles and techniques, you can successfully manage your time. One effective way to stay on track is to establish simple daily goals. When we know what we're working towards each day (rather than just thinking vaguely about "time Management"), it becomes easier for us focus on the task at hand. Another helpful tactic is using sticky notes or Post-it Notes throughout your apartment or office so that everything is easily accessible without needing to search through drawers or folders constantly. Lastly, make sure you've got adequate sleep both body and mindwise! Restful slumber allows us not only improve productivity in the daytime but also strengthens neural pathways which makes future efforts more manageable.
    Binay Singh
    @soumya_chaturvedi Very well put together. Thanks for sharing!! :)
    Anshaj Goyal
    There are many challenges that people can face when trying to manage their time. Some common challenges include having too many tasks or responsibilities to handle at once, being easily distracted, procrastination, and not having a clear sense of priorities. Additionally, many people struggle with balancing the demands of their personal and professional lives, which can make it difficult to find time for the things that are important to them. Other challenges can include poor time-management skills, a lack of organization, and difficulty saying no to requests for their time. All of these factors can make it challenging for people to manage their time effectively and achieve their goals.
    Binay Singh
    @anshaj_goyal Thats true. Thanks for sharing!!
    Kshitij Gupta
    Unexpected, urgent tasks when bandwidth/available time is already low. It becomes a game of trade-offs then to reprioritize things. And if luck is bad enough that such tasks keep coming frequently, then some low-priority tasks keep getting pushed and end up procrastinated as the motivation for them also wears off.
    Binay Singh
    @kshitij_product Can''t agree more! Getting that motivation back is hard :)
    Mayank Jain
    There are several challenges that people face when trying to manage their time effectively, including procrastination, lack of focus, limited time, over-committing, and distractions. To overcome these challenges, it is helpful to set clear goals, break tasks down into smaller steps, use time management tools, and practice good time management habits.
    Binay Singh
    @mjain_mayank On point!! Thanks for sharing this!! :)
    Krishnaswamy Anand Ganesh
    Finding the balance between spending time prioritising and organising vs spending time actually doing it
    Shon Paunan
    Whenever your asked to be a mom or a career woman
    Binay Singh
    that would be a challenging one :) @sharon_paunan