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  • What are some memorable pitch deck elements you've come across that made a significant impact?

    Semih Albayrak
    14 replies


    Patrick Cook
    This pitch deck stood out because it was so much more than a presentation.
    Jeffrey Powell
    Pitch deck features that produced a lasting impression provided a captivating tale, featured clean, aesthetically appealing designs, and presented a clear value proposition right away.
    Lisa Taylor
    It was so genuine and authentic that you couldn't help but root for them.
    Wayne Foster
    That deck with great artwork and a pleasing color scheme? It simplified difficult concepts and facts.
    Marie Green
    That deck where they nailed their unique value proposition in the first few slides? Their succinct explanations made it clear why their product was a game-changer.
    Interested to know as we don't have a super unique for now)
    Roast My Meal by Hoku
    Roast My Meal by Hoku
    Where the pitch deck tells a story, rather than following a fixed format or regurgitating numbers. A really quick but powerful demo also can make an impact.
    Shamil Kuramshin
    Personal story of the founder, why did they started this project
    Zoe Stetsenko
    I think the secret to a memorable pitch deck is its simplicity - the clearer the idea is presented, the better we engage and remember such projects
    Igor Lysenko
    Presentation design or animation, it makes the presentation completely different.
    Donald Evans
    The more clearly an idea is communicated, the more we will engage with and remember such ventures.
    Randy Taylor
    This pitch deck was more than simply data and figures; it told a story. It started with a real-world problem, then moved on to their inventive solution, and finished with how their goal resonates with this answer. I was interested and invested!
    Jeremy Baker
    It was more than a business proposal; it was like a tale that got us hooked. The problem was the antagonist, their solution the hero, and the company vision was the happily-ever-after. Who wouldn't remember a good story?
    Amy Williams
    It felt like we were being taken on a journey, from understanding the problem, to seeing their solution, and finally, to a glimpse of a brighter future with their vision. It was a ride to remember!