What annoying thing do you hate about ChatGPT?

Richard Gao
7 replies
For me it's the constant wait times when the server is down due to capacity. Might be an unpopular opinion, but I hope it becomes paid soon so less people are using it and it frees up space. Also, the restrictions can get pretty irritating as well. I understand restricting illegal or sexual content, but yesterday, I saw someone asking it to write a C# script for web scraping and it set off "bad content" alarms. Also, one of my friends got banned for asking it to "execute" code. Definitely hope they iron out all those issues. I'm currently developing an AI product, ChatGPT is giving me good insight on pitfalls and what not to do. ------------------- If you're curious, it's an API that allows devs to run AI on the cloud. I post progress on my Twitter


Nik McFly
ChatGPT will decide itself whether it will be paid or not :-)
I know it's not trivial, but just imagine if ChatGPT could "browse the internet" and learn on the go!
@richard_gao2 Oh really, which ones?
Richard Gao
@gaurangt1 That would be amazing. I think there are some applications that allow you to connect GPT-3 to the web.
Richard Gao
@gaurangt1 Uminal by @subby_tech Still greatly WIP, but it's pretty impressive
Rebecca Tany
I also hope it becomes paid tool
Richard Gao
@rebeccatany Yep, that will definitely limit the traffic!