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  • What analytics tools are you using?

    Ido Lavi
    13 replies
    Hey Product Hunt! I've joined the Amy team recently, and we're launching soon (check us out - https://www.producthunt.com/upcoming/amy-2). As part of this launch, I'm trying to figure out which data analytics tools to use to improve our website, messaging and most importantly, our product. I was thinking of the following analytics stack: 1. Google Analytics for traffic data 2. HotJar / Fullstory for UX/UI and visitor recordings 3. Segment for event tracking and quantitive data Are there any other tools that you've been using and can recommend? Do you think we're missing something? Thanks!


    Alina Ihnatiuk
    Google Analytics Mixpanel Matomo
    Ido Lavi
    @antonovna What features do you like in Matamo, that are better than GA?
    Alina Ihnatiuk
    @ido_lavi If your website gets lots of traffic and you can't afford an enterprise level tool like GA premium then Matomo is your best choice. ...I cannot highlight specific functions
    Rachel Levitz
    Congrats on joining the team!
    Fabian Maume
    Google tag manager for tag management. Google analytics for quantitative data. SmartLook for qualitative data.
    Ido Lavi
    @fabian_maume How are you using GA for quantitive data? Are you setting events at each stage and tracking them in GA?
    Fabian Maume
    @ido_lavi Yes I have event and conversion define for all important conversion. I'm usually mapping this vs the source of traffic, to optimise my marketing effort. I also have content grouping setup, which help to analyse the user flow on the website.
    Sharath Kuruganty
    Undefeated Underdogs Podcast
    Undefeated Underdogs Podcast
    I highly recommend Plausible Analytics It is the cleanest analytics platform I have ever used.
    Ido Lavi
    @5harath Thanks Sharath! What main differences have you found compared to Google Analytics?
    Michael Silber
    At Product Hunt we use Periscope and Google Analytics. Although, in a part life I also really like adding Amplitude to the mix as well. Looker is also great if you have someone to manage it.
    Angi Bowman
    We primarily use our own product. We use Lucky Orange for traffic data, visitor recordings, live visitors, heatmaps, event tracking, promo code monitoring, conversion funnels and trigger a chat invite and announcement by event. While we have GA and Google Tag Manager, Lucky Orange gives us such a wide range of data and insight that we have everything we need in one location. It really paints the full picture of what happens to visitors from beginning to conversion. I know I'm bias, but I also use it on a daily basis to evaluate other campaigns and projects.