What AI-powered apps do you rely on daily?

Isha Waheed
26 replies
AI App Insights Wanted! Share the AI-powered apps that are must-haves in your daily routine. Drop a comment with your go-to app, and let's discuss one pro and one con of using it. Your insights could help others discover new tools or navigate potential drawbacks!


Shaun Modi
Capitol AI for content creation and pdf summaries www.capitol.ai
Logan King
QuantumTask! Pro: Streamlines tasks effortlessly. Con: Occasional quirky predictions.
Poul merry
I use chat gpt
Isha, I use a language learning app powered by AI every day; it adapts to my learning pace and style, which is a huge pro. The only con is that it can't replace the nuanced feedback that a human tutor provides on pronunciation and cultural context.
Jacob Jeter
My daily AI sidekick is definitely TodoBot! It's like having a virtual assistant that never takes a coffee break. Pro: Its intuitive task management keeps me on top of my game. Con: Sometimes, the predictive text feature goes on a creative tangent, resulting in some hilarious autocorrect moments! What's your experience with TodoBot?
AI language models, like GPT-3, have been trained on massive amounts of text, allowing them to understand and generate human-like language. These models are so proficient that they can even help users learn new languages through natural and interactive conversations. I suggest to read more about it at fun facts about artificial intelligence where you can get only the best info.
Kalesche Trevelson
Many of these are not AI-powered apps and are just AI/LLMs...
I have Github Co-pilot and also Github Co-pilot chat, the advantage of using github copilot chat is the questions that you are asking answering by getting reference of your current file in the VS Code, insanee 👾
Vito Mansilla
I use Mia AI, I start every morning talking to her about what I have for the day. Give it a try! heymia.ai.
Kobe Hall
I use Bard.
Sophia Thompson
ChatGPT. Every day, it helps me draft emails and messages.
Aimee Skinner
It's a fun app that uses AI technology to transform faces, like aging, de-aging, or changing gender. The pro is it's entertaining and often impressively accurate. The con is concerns about data privacy.
Well, ChatGPT for sure and then heard a lot of good things about @writemeai. Now I find it very useful.
Angelina Shaw
My day starts with Alexa, from reading out the day's headlines to controlling smart home devices. The con is that it sometimes fails to understand my commands, especially when there's a lot of background noise.
babar saleem
As someone who writes a lot, Grammarly is my lifesaver. It checks my grammar, spelling, and punctuation in real-time. The pro is it significantly improves my writing quality. The con is that it sometimes gives incorrect suggestions, especially with complex sentences.
Woody Robles
The AI-driven music recommendation system on Spotify is fantastic. It keeps introducing me to new songs based on my listening habits. The downside is that it sometimes becomes a little repetitive.