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  • What advice would you give youngsters in their early 20s Job trails or building a business?

    Shiva Tejasvi
    16 replies


    Benson Gao
    First, gain work experience in the industry before starting a business. Things are different now;you need experience and connections to succeed.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @bensongao Thank you for the advice, I will definitely keep it in mind!
    Alexander Galitsky
    Don’t grow up. Adulthood is a trap.
    Flow State Training
    Flow State Training
    Launching soon!
    Commenting here because I am a youngester in 20s haha.
    Wouter van der Meij
    Good question, think it depends if someone has a great idea that they are driven to make it work! For many people there is nothing wrong with getting a job, and getting a stable career. Probably it has financial benefits, I wrote a thesis once and actually the median monetary reward of self-employed individuals is around 30% lower per hour then that of employees. So the creativity and the dream should be worth it. In general people who have their own business respond being more satisfied with their work then employees, even though they earn less!
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @wouter_van_der_meij That's a fantastic perspective! Thanks for sharing your thoughts it’s a great reminder that success isn’t just about income but fulfillment too🥰!
    Olivia Jane Mitchell
    Some advice I'd give: 1) Focus on learning, growth, and getting experience early in your career over chasing money. The skills and knowledge you gain will pay dividends later. 2) Take some calculated risks while you're young - start that business, take that job in a new city. Easier to do before you have too many responsibilities. 3) Don't compare yourself to others or feel pressured to have it all figured out. Everyone moves at their own pace. Enjoy the journey! Anyone else have advice to share?
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @oliviajanemitchell That’s excellent advice! I love the reminder not to compare yourself to others everyone’s path is unique, and the journey is part of the adventure. Thank you❤️
    Wesley Ward
    In your early 20s, I'd suggest getting some job experience first. It gives you a safety net, builds your skills, and helps you understand different industries. You can always build a business later with more knowledge under your belt.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @wesley_ward I love how you portrayed It's all about setting yourself up for long-term success, That’s great advice!
    Malik Shaw
    If you've got a strong idea and the passion for it, go for building a business! The earlier you start, the more time you have to learn from mistakes and take risks. Worst case, you gain invaluable experience.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @malikshaw Only a limited number of people hold this viewpoint. I also believe that taking a leap can lead to unexpected opportunities! Thank you for the advice!
    Johnnie Kuvalis
    Why not try both? Take a job in a field that interests you but also start a side hustle. That way, you’ll get experience and income while experimenting with business ideas without as much pressure.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @johnnie_kuvalis That’s a smart approach! It's like gaining valuable work experience while nurturing your entrepreneurial spirit. Thank you ❤️