What achievable goals have you set for yourself this month?

7 replies


Amit Arora
The Action Tracker - Life Planner
@neha_8 A 30 day daily yoga session :) how about you?
Complete a launch!
This month, I am focusing on increasing my productivity by creating a daily schedule and sticking to it. I also want to improve my financial skills by learning more about investing and budgeting. Lastly, I am working on improving my fitness by committing to a consistent workout routine. We are building a marketing AI called Contentify AI. It's free and easy to setup. Check out the "Launching soon"
Gurkaran Singh
This month, I'm aiming to master SQL queries like a data wizard and finally conquer my inbox clutter - a challenge bigger than debugging a nested loop!
Stremm Tech llc
enquiries, questions about our SaaS services
Kehui Guo
Reach 500 points on product hunt🤣🥹
Ethan Young
I want to reach 100 points