Jonathan Nass

We were mentioned in The New York Times!!... kinda πŸ€ͺ


About a month ago, my cofounder and I came across a reporter on HARO looking for experts in the gifting space to contribute to an article that she was working on for The New York Times. Since we run a gift recommendation startup, we jumped on the opportunity to provide a comment. She asked a bit about our business, but made it clear the article wouldn't be promoting our site. No worries. We were thrilled with the slim chance of getting a really strong backlink from it. That's not nothing! Well, weeks went by and we never heard back. So we figured maybe the article wasn't going to be published after all... We thought that until this afternoon when a relative reached out saying she had seen Outdone and my cofounder's name mentioned in NYT!! And there it was... But low and behold, the quote is attributed to "Hugh Lagrotteria, a co-founder of the gift recommendation site Outdone, which is in development." But we've actually been live for over a week now! And, devastatingly, we were the only business mentioned in the article that wasn't linked to β€” presumably because the author thought our site was under development. Sooo another half win/half fail. Guess you gotta take the good with the bad. We've reached out to the reporter and editor to hopefully get a correction here, but we're certainly missing out on a bunch of clicks in the meantime!

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Philip Snyder
Congrats man, that's huge. Even though it wasn't directly linked - still a win. Add some "As seen in NYT" to your site lol
Jonathan Nass
@philipsnyder thanks dude! Haha yeah, I'll count it in my book β€” technically true πŸ˜…πŸ˜Ž
Satish Kumar Veluri
That's definitely a start...long road to go. I'm sure you can put together all the tiny tiny wins and it will be a huge win one day. Congrats.πŸ‘
Jonathan Nass
@satish_kumar_veluri that’s the plan! With an enough small wins, a big win is bound to happen β€” in theory! πŸ˜…
Satish Kumar Veluri
@jonathan_nass theory 😁
Pavel Chupryna
Congrats! Great to see you in NYT πŸŽ‰
Jonathan Nass
@pashcal thank you!! We’ll take even the tiniest of mentions
Krishna Kumar
Use the opportunity! Take a screenshot. Create an emailer around "We are now in the NYT and live". Put your live link. Send to every email id you can get your hands on to.
Jonathan Nass
@kkumarkg great thinking! Will do 😎
Murali Gottumukkala
Jonathan Nass
@murali_aasaan thank you!! Small victory
Rich Watson
man what a bummer, hopefully they reply back
Jonathan Nass
@richw They did! We got in touch with the author who put a request in with the editor. The backlink is now live and it no longer says "in development" 😎
Paul Sutton
Super exciting! I just tried and am thoroughly impressed. Great work Jon!
Jonathan Nass
@robert_sutton1 Thanks for the kind words! I hope it helps you this holiday season!
Janis Dzenis
It's huge anyway. Being mentioned in NYT is not about clicks.
Jonathan Nass
UPDATE: it’s been corrected and they added a backlink 😎