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  • We've build a no-code platform but we took a controversial design decision!

    Sam Kamrani
    0 replies
    We've built DoTenX (https://dotenx.com), but there is no dark-mode 😱 Everything is red! Since around 7-8 years ago I switched to dark mode and now almost everything on my laptop is in dark-mode, but when it came to building my own SaaS, a no-code platform to build applications or automations, I chose a very different colour scheme; I chose red. I wasn't really sure about the decision at the beginning, as anyway, whether it's just a joke or not, everyone talks about dark-mode, however I was really sick of it. I didn't like light mode, but I didn't like dark mode either. It was just better than light mode. Also I didn't like the boring blue (with respect if your application is in blue or you're the designer of LinkedIn, Azure, GCP, ...). Finally, I decided to go with my gut feeling and use shades of red as the colour theme of DoTenX. So far the feedbacks have been (un)expected, and I'm happy that I didn't follow the norm. I'm not a designer by any means, but I think it pays off if sometimes we take the risk and not follow every norm.
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